Part 15 And now it begins

Start from the beginning

I made my way back to our table to find the cutest sight: somehow, he had found a blanket and wrapped himself up in it. He was curled up in a ball, pacifier in his mouth and was sleeping under the table. His stuffed animals were all around him like guards protecting him. I caught sight of some sweat on his forehead. Thinking that he might need something to drink I rummaged through the diaper bag and grabbed a bottle. I knew that he might be big right now, but I was hoping he still would drink it. I pulled out his pacifier and he instantly whimpered, but the moment I put the bottle to his lips he started to suck on it. I used one of his animals to prop up the bottle as he drank. I couldn't stay bent over this way for long. I got back up and continued with the conversations around the table.

It started to die down and about 2 hours later it was just us at the table. Max was still under it. Samantha's drink went flying when Max jumped up right next to her and said "So, how many phone numbers did you guys get from all the pretty girls and boys?" The only one at the table that wasn't startled by his appearance was Bear. I actually choked on my drink.

As calm as you please Bear just said, "I got 6 from girls and 3 from boys. I told them I wasn't gay, but they insisted I take them anyway, just in case I change my mind."

"It's the same with me." Wolf said "The girls wouldn't believe me that I was gay. They kept saying something like 'I could change your mind.' Sooo not my type. I'll trade ya?" As he started to pull out pieces of paper.

The talk went on like that for a while as we all ate. I actually even got a couple of numbers. But what surprised the whole table was the stack of paper that Max pulled out. He put them on the table with a evil grin on his face. "I beat you all." He said with a chuckle. The whole table erupted with us saying that he was too young and that everyone up here was too old for him, but he pulled one out and read it. 'If you ever need to be Little away from everyone, I'll be your daddy for a weekend.' He pulled out another that said 'I like to spoil my grand kids. I would do the same with you. I make really good cookies.' He pulled out a third that said 'You and your big papa bear can come over to my place anytime. We could play house together.' He passed that one to Bear saying "I think she just wants you. So you can have that one."

He pulled out a fourth one and read it, but he didn't read it out loud. He started to turn white, and shake. He was quiet so long that the whole table went silent and was looking at him. He folded it up and put it in his pocket.

"Max, what did that one say?"

He slowly looked at me and whispered. "Not here. Not now. Later." He pulled out a fifth one and slowly opened it still shaking a little. He read this one forcing a smile 'Good idea about the game. I've always wanted to be able to have fun like you, but people judge too much. If you ever want to play together, give me a call. I think I'm like you.'

He then got a real grin on his face and started bouncing on the spot. "There might be another Little up here. I'm not the only one."

Everyone was happy for him that he might have a friend up here like him, but at the same time, I was definitely worried about that other letter he got. For now, I would let it slide. Why ruin his happiness, there's so little time left.

"Hay Max, you got a nap, but these guys, I'm sure they're tired. And I think they might need a shower. How about we let them do that and we can watch a movie or something?"

Max stopped bouncing and said "Ok. I could go for a movie. Popcorn and snacks?"

I smiled and nodded my head. "Yes, popcorn and snacks go great with a movie. We can sit back and relax for a while."

"I think I need a shower and a nap as well, Dad, so it's going to just be you two for the movie." Samantha said as she stretched and then yawned. The guys all agreed, however reluctantly, that they might need a little nap, but they all agreed that they really needed showers.

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