Annie And Finnick

38 2 1


12th May


Chapter 19

Johanna's POV

Somehow, I manage to get Katniss to calm down before Annie arrives. "What the hell was that for?" I hiss.

Katniss shakes her head. "I wasn't letting them say that sort of stuff about you. Or Hazel."

I blink back the salty tears that have been warning of their appearance for a good hour or so, trying to push the emotions back in. "Look, thanks, but there's no point you clawing at their faces. Okay?" Paranoia turns my head, something I can't help but do. "You aren't going to change them. Don't get yourself in trouble for something like that, especially when it's so stupid. We're here for Annie and Finnick."

She nods, and I sit next to her and Peeta and her sister.

Right on time, Annie walks in, wearing a long flowing dress. The bodice is white like sea foam, but the skirt fades into many hues of blue and turquoise, yellow flowers woven into her hair. The veil somehow seems like a normal veil but also a fishing net at the same time. Her red hair is scooped up into a bun, some strands straggling loose in bronze waves.

An old part of me remembers how I felt about her a while ago, and I can understand it- Annie is beautiful. But nobody, ever again will compare to Hazel. Annie is perfect for Finnick, Peeta is perfect for Katniss, but Hazel was perfect for me.

It doesn't explain why I was bitter and sarcastic before- I don't think anything really can- but at least it gives me a reason to envy them now. Because they still have the ones they love, whilst Hazel was ripped away from me.

I come back to reality truly when I feel the cold tear splash on my arm, so I quickly wipe them away and focus on the wedding. Finnick holds Annie's hands in his, a net tied around them. He smiles at her when she laughs at odd points, says I do when the vicar says. They kiss, and it's over. That's it. All they have to do now is talk to people, sign  a piece of paper.

Weddings really aren't what they're hyped up to be.


"Thank you," Annie says when I compliment her dress.

I smile back at her. "No, it's fine. It really suits you. And I'm glad you're happy."

"I'm just glad you're here."

"Well," I say, "I don't think I could miss my best friends getting married."


Finnick raises a glass, a sign for the speech.

"Thank you all for coming," he begins. "It's an honour to have you all here.

"It's definitely been a rough year. And I want to remember the many lives lost in the battle against the Capitol; none of those people truly needed to die. There are extra places here for a reason- for the ghosts of our loved ones, so they can sit with us in any possible life after death."

I look to the empty seat next to me, the card reads Hazel.

"I'm sorry for all the losses we've all faced. We've lost enemies, yes, but also friends, family, and lovers. There's nothing I can really say now that wouldn't make me sound pretentious, ignorant of these people, but I truly feel so, so lucky that I'm still here. That I'm here with most of my friends, and with Annie- though I do miss Hazel, and Mags, and Wiress- never mind if I didn't quite know any of them too well. And the rest of my arm," he says, holding it up as laughter goes through the room, even if only half hearted.

"So thank you, to the ones here. And a final goodbye to the ones who aren't." Finnick and Annie raise their glasses. "To our freedom."

A room full of glasses rise up in agreement, and I almost catch a glimpse of Hazel next to me, holding up her own glass, gazing onto the scene with her gorgeous eyes. She looks towards me and stares softly. "You can let go now," she says. "Live your life, Johanna. For me." I smile and nod at her, as the final wisp of Hazel fades away and people around talk and tuck into their food.

"Goodbye," I tell the wind. Maybe it'll carry it to her.


Sorry for  it being short I wrote in a frenzy when I realised I hadn't for a while. I hope its okay. Please vote and comment, I really want to know your thoughts on this. If you like it, please go read my original story Sweet Eleanor, Death which you can find on my profile.

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