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They both have arrived at Minho's house, they were standing in front of the house gate. Minho saw HwanWon's car has gone so he knew the said man has not come back home yet.

He fished his keys out and unlocked the gate for them to come in. He stepped in and facing his body to the school librarian who returned him a question look.

Minho dragged his gaze to the ground and spoke softly, "You can come inside and have a drink"

The blond raised his eyebrows in realisation and flashed him a soft smile, "You don't need to do that. I'm fine"

"No! I-" Minho halted his speech and took a deep breath to calm himself down. He shouldn't act like he was very desperate, he thought to himself.

"I... I insist. Because... Of w-what happened just now... Please come in and have a drink, as my thank you" The student lifted his head to look at Chan as he held the bar gate tightly, feeling anxious once again.

The other who noticed the behaviour instantly agreed and stepped inside before the owner of the house closed the gate behind them. They went inside after Minho unlocked the door.

The raven immediately removing all his stuffs from his body, putting them neatly on the staircase then ran to the kitchen. Chan thought it was so adorable for him to act like that. That tiny run was not healthy for his heart. He invited himself to sit on one of the couches (he chose the long couch because it was facing the television).

A few minutes later, the student came with a tray. He put on the coffee table in the middle. There were two cups and two teapots, one was filled with tea and the other one was filled with coffee.

The elder looked at the drinks in surprised then stared at the younger. Minho hung his head in embarrassment whilst fidgeting his fingers, "I don't know which one do you like so I made both... Y-You can choose!"

Chan let out a breathy laugh, smiling like an idiot. Minho was acting cute without he realised about it. He wondered what other behaviours that the younger had, he would love to see them in the future.

"Don't worry, I can drink both. But since you've made them so I'll drink both"

Minho widened his eyes as he waved his hands in front of him, "No no! You don't need to do that! You will get a stomachache!"

"It's fine, my stomach can handle it. Tea and coffee have caffeine in them so it wouldn't be bad, right?" He assured the younger while pouring the coffee in his cup.

He drank it, raising his eyebrows, feeling amazed. "This tastes so amazing! Did you use the 3-in-1 pack?"


"So you really make it?"

Minho only nodded his head. Talking was too much work than he thought.

"Seriously, I must say this is marvelous..."

"You, don't have to say like that. I didn't make it that delicious" Minho mumbled softly.

Chan looked at him in disbelief. He needed to convince the boy so ho wouldn't feeling anxious. So he started with a soft 'hey'. Minho looked up and stared at the elder who was giving him an assurance smile.

"I know I was exaggerating but the coffee that you made is very good. It's the best that I've ever tasted for my whole life." Chan chuckled before he continued, "I'm actually a coffee addict so I knew every types of coffee"

Minho couldn't help but let out a fit giggle. He thought the information that he received was kind of cute. Even the blond haired boy was acting cute by assuring him so he wouldn't go panicked.

He told Chan, "You know... having too much caffeine inside your body is not good for your health"

The elder laughed, "I know that! It's just I don't have any restraints of how many cups for a day. Sometimes, I drank more than I needed"

The raven haired let out a gasp and then he whisper yelled, "That is SO many! I think I should give you one" He slapped his mouth closed with his hands.

He looked down to his laps and then looked up again, seeing Chan showing him a wide grin. His dimples were visible too, they were deep, Minho wanted to poke it-

Stop the thoughts!

Before Minho could deny his words, Chan said, "Sure, I wouldn't mind. I even more like it if you give me one"

Chan scooted himself close to the younger, slowly leaning his face against the younger's face, their nose were almost touching but still has gap between them. Minho stared straight to his eyes with his big innocent one.

The blond haired boy softly smile to him before he whispered, "So I can always report myself to you if I drink more than you told me to"

He raised his left hand, his index finger touched Minho's nose slightly, followed by a 'boop' sound as a background. The younger covered his face with his both hands, blush crawled up to his neck and ears. His heart was pounding rapidly, he thought it would burst out from his chest.

"Will you give me one now?" Chan asked as he tried to restrain himself from holding the raven's wrists to uncover his beautiful face.

Minho peeked from his between fingers, saw the elder school librarian still looking at him. He lowered his hands only showing his pair of doe eyes. He mumbled through his hands, Chan couldn't hear it clearly.

"What did you say?" He gently replied to the younger when he unconsciously reached the wrists to pull them down together and immediately drawing a circle at the back of his hands with his thumbs.

"I said... you can drink two cups for a day. Time to wash your kidney" Minho pulled himself to make a run to the kitchen.

Chan saw him came back with a jug of plain water. The blond was laughing affectionately, loving the student in every second that have passed.

Minho loved the affection the blond gave him. It was so soothing and it was like he could breathe properly. But his smile fluttered when he thought about it.

He doesn't know anything.

And I don't want him to know about it.

Don't show him everything, Minho.

He will run away.

Just like mom and dad...

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