"Don't forget that you were born only because of me?" Drishti said smugly

"That's not true" Damini argued

"If I haven't asked them to have a baby, you would never have been born. So always be thankful to me" Drishti said flicking her hair in attitude

Damini sulked

"Drishti" Vihaan called out her name in a warning tone

Shravan shook his head in disbelief.

"Do you realise how many times we got distracted from the main conversation?" Divya asked

"Maa. Give us two days. We will tell you our decision" Drishti said and Shravan nodded in agreement.

"Honey, don't make any impulsive decisions. It's a matter of your whole life. Think well. If you have any doubts, just tell us. We will always support you" Vihaan said

"Thank you, Paa"

"Meanwhile, we would like to have a conversation with your parents Shravan. Can you arrange for that??" Vihaan inquired

"Sure" Shravan consented and made a call to his father letting him know the details.

"Dad said he will call back in an hour after reaching home," Shravan said and Vihaan nodded

"So we have one hour. Come on! Let's go open your suitcase. What have you're brought for me??" Drishti asked in excitement


Pratap Maheswari called back in an hour and Shravan connected the video call to the LED screen in the suite

"Drishti. How are you?" Anuradha asked as soon as the call connected

"Aunty. I'm doing good. How are you and uncle" Drishti inquired

"We are good dear. Shravan said your parents are there. We would love to meet them" Anuradha said

"Dad Mom. Meet Mr and Mrs Malhotra. Drishti's parents" Shravan said pointing at the Malhotra couple

"And I'm Ms Malhotra" Damini added, feeling offended that no one found it necessary to introduce her.

"Yeah! This is Damini Malhotra. Drishti's younger sister" Shravan added with a smile

"Vihaan Malhotra?? As in hotelier Vihaan Malhotra?" Pratap asked

"Hello Mr Maheswari" Vihaan greeted and they got introduced to each other.

"Shravan. Weren't you trying to get a meeting with Vihaan Malhotra?" Pratap asked vaguely remembering his son telling something of the sort.

"Yeah dad"

"And he turned out to be your father in law? Small world huh?" Anuradha asked with a chuckle

They talked for a while and decided to meet in person in two days when the Malhotras gets back to Mumbai.


"I think it's time to leave," Shravan said noting the time.

Time flew by talking business with expert hotelier Vihaan Malhotra, while Drishti was having fun with her mother, sister and Siddhu.

"Why don't you both stay here tonight?" Divya asked with a fond smile

Shravan hesitated.

"It's okay. He must be busy. He already stayed away from the office the whole day. Let Drishti stay here." Vihaan said off handedly

"Oh," Shravan said

He was planning to talk to her about their relationship tonight

Maybe he will have to wait another day

"Drishti! We skipped college for four days in a row." Siddhu reminded. They are already lagging with attendance. If they take any more leave, the University won't let them sit for the exams.

"Four days?? Why in the heavens would you take leave for four days?" Vihaan snapped

"Anjana aunty wanted us to visit the Vaishno Devi temple. So I had to take leave" Drishti defended herself

"Four days for that?"

"I had to wear a saree for the pooja. So took an extra day leave for shopping. And then I was about to get ready for college today when I got the information that you were going to sell D Love. So I had to miss college again" Drishti said with a shrug

"Talking about that! Who told you I'm selling D Love?" Vihaan asked

"Damini," Drishti ratted out with no regret making her sister huff in anger

"Your sister has not become an expert in eavesdropping like you Drishti," Vihaan said

"That's not my fault"

"Okay. Now don't get into another argument and scare Shravan off" Divya butted in

"I will take your leave. Goodnight Mr and Mrs Malhotra" Shravan said

"Come on. Don't be so formal. It feels awkward" Divya said

"Sure aunty" Shravan smiled

"Shravan Bhai. I will drop you home" Siddhu said and they left bidding a bye to the Malhotra family.


Here goes the next shot.

Hope you guys enjoyed the calm after the drama.

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Love ❤

Vows Of Love - An accidental Marriage (L&M #1) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now