19 The protection part 1

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We were all under Harry's invisibility cloak trying to get to the third floor to where Fluffy was. "Ow! You stood on my foot!" Hermione whined "Sorry." Ron said in reply. We got to the door, Hermione poked my wand through the gap in the cloak and said "Alohomora" to unlock the door. When we entered I knew something was up as Fluffy was already sleeping and there was an enchanted harp in the room. "Wait a minute. He's...snoring" Harry said as the cloak got blown off of us "Snape's already been here. He's put a spell on the Harp." "For the last time it is not Snape!" "Ugh it's got horrible breath." "He is a dog what do you expect for him to have minty breath? He is not Draco you know!" As soon as I said I realized that I said it out loud and the trio noticed. "What do you mean? Whatever we will talk about this later. We have to move its paw." "What?" Asked Ron worryingly "Come on!" Harry urged. As we moved the paw I heard the song coming close to it's end so I stopped pushing and got a few things I used to train Fluffy with. "Okay. Push. Y/N what are you doing we need help here!" Harry said. The trio finished moving his paw and lifted the trap-door. As I finished setting up the last few things I heard the harp stop playing but the trio kept talking. "I'll go first. Don't follow until I give you a sign." Harry said as I saw Fluffy's eyes open. "If something bad happens, get yourselves out." Harry paused "Does it seem a bit quiet to you?" He continued as Fluffy stood up his heads over the top of the trio not seeing me. "That harp. It's stopped playing." Hermione said as I saw some of Fluffy's drool go onto Ron's top. "Ugh yuck" Ron said and they all looked up to realize why I was setting up my training kit. Fluffy growled and I tried to get his attention "FLUFFY OVER HERE BOY Fluffy come here you want a treat is that what you want." I said in barks "JUMP YOU IDIOTS I will be down in a sec" I yelled at them and distracted Fluffy with treats and I jumped down.

When I jumped down I saw that a plant stopped our fall but realized it was devils snare. "Lucky this plant thing's here, really." "No it's not." "What do yo ... WOW" Harry was going to ask as the plant wrapped around his legs. The trio were squirming to try and get the plant off them while I sat still. "Stop moving, all of you. This is Devil's Snare. Yo ..." I informed and Hermione butted in "You have to relax. If you don't, it will only kill you faster." "Kill us faster? AHHHHH Y/N! Oh, now I can relax!" Ron said sarcastically. I saw Hermione come down and asked what was happening up there. "Hermione!" I heard them yell "Now what are we gonna do?" "Just relax!" Me and Hermione say in unison. "Hermione, Y/N, where are you guys?" "Do what we say! Trust us." We said and I saw harry trying to relax and coming through. "AHHH HARRY! HARRY!" Ron screamed as I saw Harry fall to the floor. "Are you ok?!" I worried as he was still my brother "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you ok?" He asked and I nodded. "Help!" We heard Ron yell. "he's not relaxing, is he?" Hermione stupidly asked "Apparently not." "We've gotta do something." "What?" They talked as I thought of something. "I remember reading something in Herbology. Umm Devil's Snare, Devil's Snare. It's deadly fun ... but will sulk in the sun! That's it! Devil Snare hates sunlight. Lumus Solem." I said pointing my wand to the plant. The scream off the plant and Ron could be heard. Ron fell to the ground with a loud thump. "Ron, you okay?" Harry asked "Yeah. Lucky we didn't panic." "Lucky my sister pays attention in Herbology." Harry said. "What is that?" Hermione asked looking to the door then to me "I don't know I didn't do every room. It sounds like wings." I said as we entered the room.

We entered and I looked up to see what looked like keys with wings and an old one with a broken wing "It has to do something with that" I thought. "Curious. I've never seen birds like these." "They're not birds. They're keys. And I'll bet one of them fits that door." Harry said as we walked up to a broom stick. "What's this all about?" Hermione asked. "I don't know." Replied my brother but I knew what it was. Ron drew his wand and walked over to the door as me and Harry stayed to look at the broom. "Strange." He said looking at me and I just nodded as I knew they would want me to do this and me not wanting to. "Alohomora! Well, it was worth a try." "Ron, of course it wouldn't work not every door will open with a single spell. It is obvious we have to get the key!" "Ugh. What're we going to do? There must be a thousand keys up there." "We're looking for a big old fashioned one. Probably rusty like the handle." "Already found it. The one with the broken wing." I said and looked down at the broom so did Harry. "What's wrong, Harry?" Hermione asked she seemed to be full of questions and forgot I was there. "It's too simple." "Oh, go on , Harry! If Snape could catch it on that old broomstick, you can. You're the youngest Seeker in a century." "No, Y/N, is and she is better she should do it!" Harry said and I blushed and grabbed the broom but suddenly regretted it as I heard all the keys fly towards me. I mounted the broom swatting away keys to try and re-find the key for the door. "This complicates things a bit." Ron and Harry said. I felt the broom come off the floor while I was trying to find the broken winged key. I spotted the key again and went straight for it. I reached out and flew faster on the broom so the other keys were behind me. Eventually i got the key and shouted "Catch the key." I through it down and Hermione only just caught it and unlocked the door. The trio went through the door and I followed shortly after. When I went through the door someone immediately closed the door and the keys could be heard hitting it.

Word count-1117

A/N-sorry this one took so long to come out but I have been struggling with school work. It is my first year of high school (In year 8) so I am not used to the amount of work. I am slowly catching up so you shouldn't have to wait to long for the next 2 or 3 parts to come out. Hope you enjoyed chapter 19 the protection part 1


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