"Hello, can I help you?" She says, smiling at me as she takes those typical gardeners gloves off her hands.

I can see why she likes this place, I bet Harlow stays here talking to this woman for way longer than she's supposed to.

"I'm here on someone's behalf, she said she had to pick up flowers today." I answer back politely. "Harlow Dean."

When I say her name, the lady's face forms into an immediate smile which I totally understand, she has that effect on people.

"I've got roses for her today, last of the sunflowers went to her mother." June smiles, placing this bouquet of different coloured roses mixed in with some green stuff. I don't know, can't say I know the difference between different types of plants but I'm sure Harlow will like them.

"So, Harlow and you are..." she trails off, waiting for me to finish her sentence for her.

I don't know what Harlow and I are, I wish I did but I have no clue. Am I supposed to keep the act up with the lady from the flower shop or can I be honest? I doubt this woman would go running to The Vultures.

"I don't know," I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Well Harlow is my favourite customer, she's such a sweetheart so don't you go breaking her heart. She's had enough heartbreak to last a lifetime." She warns,pointing a finger at me.

Of course Harlow's friends with her local florist, who also happens to be about three times her age, of course she is.

That's the thing, I'm petrified of breaking her heart because I've never had a girlfriend and I don't know how that type of thing even works. I never even grew up watching two people in love either, all kg ideas of love come from films and they're not realistic are they?

I've never liked the idea of having a girlfriend but now I'm faking it with Harlow and I'm starting to realise that maybe it's not that bad.

"What's your name?" She asks.


"Well Harry, I don't know you but I know Harlow and she could really use somebody like you. She's got the people at her club but I think she needs somebody who's there for her out with the club. Just be careful with her, sometimes the happiest people are hurting the most."

The happiest people definitely are hurting the most.

Now that I'm thinking back to the conversation that brought me to her, the conversation I also wish I never had, I'm starting to paint a little picture in my head of what's going on behind her pretty smile.

"Yeah, I know that." I sigh.

Adriana, Harlows mother, Harlow... the list goes on.

After that there wasn't much conversation and now I'm driving with a bunch of roses through the drive through to get something for her to eat. Two black coffees and two vegan bagels are now sat on the passenger seat as I'm making my way back to hers in the hopes she's still asleep.

I really do hope she hasn't woken up. She seemed so open and vulnerable this morning so when I told her I wasn't going anywhere I meant it, if she wakes up and sees I'm not there she'll just think I'm a liar.

A liar who stole her car.

I hate how embarrassing she was once she calmed down, she never said it out loud but I could tell that she was. That was for no good reason though, I don't see her as any less of a person. I see her as human, we're not all perfect.

Harlow does come pretty close though.

Now that I'm parking outside her house, I'm starting to realise that I probably should've said something before taking it. At least it's back in one piece, and dead bird free.

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