Day 2

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Hey Emma

I hope I'm not bothering you

Of course not. I told you 2 call whenever you needed

But it's only been like 12 hours

So? It's fine. K?

Hru today Aiden?

Meh. Normal. How are you today?

I'm still a little sore tbh

Well you did land on the cold ground

I think it was you landing on top of me haha

You calling me fat? :P


Good. Cos I did save your life

Sure sure

I'm like a superhero

You wish

I'd even settle for a sainthood

Emma. Can you tell me what happened yesterday?

Nothing. I just got some bad news and I was a little overwhelmed

What sort of news? You said something about your ears?

I had an ear infection. The dr says I might lose my hearing

And how do you feel?

Feel? Well not happy!

Stupid question, sorry!

Can I ask you a question?


Why are you being so nice to me? You don't even know me

Why wouldn't I? You're a lovely person and you need help

What do you think I should do next?

I got a text from Paul. He says you have a case and the hospital is going to send over an interpreter until the proceedings

Interpreter? For what? I can't sign. I can't hear. I can't talk.

You could learn

But then I defo won't get better

You can't hide from this


Don't ignore me

I'm sorry

I sat and stared at my phone, vibrating every few minutes, each time Aiden sent another text. This was all too much. I took some deep breaths in.

Standing up, I grabbed my phone, ready to call my best friend. She always knew just what to say. I knew she'd be able to sort this all out.

I stopped just before I hit the call button. She didn't know about the hearing loss. And I wouldn't be able to hear her.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

I could text my dad. He always knew what to do. If only he wasn't on a cruise with mum. They had invited me to join them, but I'd asked for a quiet holiday break.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2021 ⏰

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