*baby daddy*

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Hazel and Hezzy are twins. Hezzy is a boy and Hazel is a girl. They're 3 y/o

I just came home from a long day of work and the nannys shift was over. I payed her and she left. I quickly took a shower

i was sitting on the couch watching TV with Hazel and Hezzy. Vinnie just came in the house from visiting the boys.

Hazel:: Daddy!

Hezzy: Hi daddy!!

They ran infront of him

Me: Calm down kids, he just came from outside. Daddy has to take a shower first

Vin: Later we can cuddle and hug okay?

Hazel: okay

Hez: Okay

He rushed upstairs.

Hezzy: Mommy?

Me: Yeah baby?

Hez: Where did daddy go?

Me: He went with uncle Kio, uncle jordan and auntie Maddy to uncle Jordan's place

Hez: Why cant I come?

Me: You have to ask daddy if you guys wanna go

Hazel: Do you love us mommy?

Me: Yeah, why?

Hazel: Because you don't give us kisses and hugs like daddy does

Me: I'm sorry baby. Come here

I took them into my arms and hugged and attacked them with kisses. I then set them down beside me

Me: Let's watch frozen 2

Hazel: Okay!

Me: Inside voice baby

Hazel: Sorry

We watched frozen 2 and the twins enjoyed it. Then Vin came downstairs with sweats.

Vin: Hey guys

Hazel: Daddy!

He hugged them and put each on his hips

Vin: How was the day with mom?

Hazel: Good

Hez: Mommy said she loved us

Vin: I'm sure she loves you guys

Haz: Do you love mommy?

Vin: I love you all with all my heart

He kissed the twins cheek and leaned in and kissed me.

Hez: Ew

He gave Hezzy the why you so sus look.

Vin: Ewwww

He said mocking Hezzy. He plopped onto the couch with the kids.

Haz: Daddy is so pretty

Vin: What about mommy?

Haz: Mommy is pretty too

Hezzy made grabby hands towards me. I pick him up and he sat on my lap. He was still occupied by Frozen all this time.

After frozen ended, the kids yawned.

Me: Let's go to bed kids

Hez: Okay

Haz: Okay

I carried Hezzy while Vinnie carried Hazel. We went to their room and let them use the iPad for 15 minutes. I went to mine and Vin's room. I did my night routine and Vinnie came in

Vin: The kids are at it again

Me: Theyre not in their room anymore?

Vin: yeah

I sighed. I put my night cream and find the kids. I was so tired. I found Hazel in the kitchen and Hezzy in the bathroom. We took them to their room.

Haz: Mommy, are you tired?

Me: Yeah, i am

Haz: Why don't you go to sleep?

Me: Because i can't sleep until you, Hezzy, and daddy sleep

Haz: I'm going to sleep but you have to promise that you go to sleep okay?

Me: Okay baby

Haz: Mommy?

Me: Yes baby?

Haz: Why is daddy's name, Hezzy name have hacker and you don't have?

Me: Because your daddy and i aren't married

Vin: yet

Me: Yeah

Haz: When are you and daddy going to get married?

Me: i don't know baby, i don't know

Haz: Daddy, can you marry my mommy?

Hez: Yeah

Vin: I'll ask one day

Hez: Why cant you ask now?

Me: Because we're tired

Haz: Go sleep mommy. I want you and daddy to get married

Me: You guys have to sleep first okay?

Twins: Okay

I smiled at her. I kissed them both goodnight and i went to my room. I sighed and turned on my laptop and I did my leftover work. Then Vinnie came inside

Vin: Hey babe

Me: Hey

I said tiredly.

Vin: Come on, let's cuddle

Me: I have to finish this first. Sorry

Vin: It's okay. I'll just be right here

I chuckled a bit. He lay down on our bed. I finished my work and turned off my laptop. I lay on the bed and Vinnie lightly massaged my head.

Vin: Does anything hurt?

Me: Just my back but it's okay

Vin: Not on my watch

He massaged my back for 30 minutes and after that, he lay down.

Vin: How was work?

Me: Okay i guess

Vin: Can you quit? I can pay for everything

Me: i can't just let you do that it's my house anyways

Vin: but i want to help

Me: You've helped enough Vin

Vin: Please?

Me: I can't

Vin: You'll just follow my footsteps.. you have 4 mill on every account anyways and if you're on creators fund, you could get money. Please?

Me: Fine. I'll talk to people and be famous

Vin: Yeay!

We cuddled and fell asleep.

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