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I was washing dishes when Vinnie came up to me and hugged me from behind.
Vin: I've missed you
Me: We literally ate together
Vin: I know, but i miss you too
Me: I miss you too Vin. Go upstairs and go turn on a movie or something I'm tired
Vin: No, I wanna stay with you
Me: Okay okay
I gave in and finished the dishes. Vinnie was hugging me the whole time. It was 2pm and i was bored. We went upstairs and i wanted to take a shower
Vin: Where are you going?
He pouted and looks like his tears are about to fall
Me: Aw. I'm just taking a shower
I wiped off his tears.
Vin: Don't leave me
Me: I will just be in there
I said pointing to the bathroom.
Vin: Okay, don't take too long or I'll go inside
Me: Okay okay
I took a shower and put on clothes. I did my night routine and i saw Vinnie crying. I went over to him while applying a facemask. I wiped his tears
Me: Baby, I'm here
I said smiling. He hugged me tightly
Vin: I miss you
My heart melted. I stayed in that position until my mask was done
Me: Hey, i have to get up
Vin: No
Me: Yes
Vin: No!
He said in his baby voice
Me: You can watch me
Vin: Okay
We got up and he kept an eye on me. I finished my routine and we went to bed
Me: Love you
I kissed his forehead
Vin: Love you too
We fell asleep.

Vinnie Hacker ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now