ⅹⅲ. sleep, according to embry

Start from the beginning

"Possessive much?" She asked, already knowing and understanding the answer. Embry scoffed.

"You think you're joking, wait till you guys get together..." Embry trailed off, "That is if you are getting together...?"

Diana sighed, she didn't even know if she could stomach the thought of being near him, let alone physically being near him... all the time, "I don't know..." she muttered.

They turned randomly, "Well, why not?" Embry asked, leading her to a small clearing. They sat down in the grass and Diana couldn't help but love the boy, here, at this moment, she had never needed a friend so much.

"I was imprinted on, years and years ago..." she paused. Embry just listened patiently waiting for her to continue.

"We were together for about 15 years, and then he was taken from me..."

Diana sucked in a breath, "I had to get on without him. That will forever be one of the hardest things I have ever had to do... I did it though. I learned how to get on with my life, I learned how to live again. But, he was my lifeline for so long. No matter how much time passes, I'm always gonna be hurt, I'm always gonna be a little bit broken. Right now, dating Paul, dating anyone for that matter, just doesn't seem possible," she paused, taking in a breath of forest air.

"To be honest, I'm torn. I was so convinced that I hated your kind, I didn't want to be friends with any of you... but you guys were immediately welcoming, it felt like I was meant to be here. I don't know if I want to see him and give in or if I'd rather just leave. I know it wouldn't be easy, but..."

"You can't leave. If Paul wouldn't stop you, I would." Embry interrupted. Diana smiled softly, she was wanted. That was the greatest feeling, being wanted.

"I would love to see him, I think... get to know him," she sighed. It did hurt, to be with him, but it hurt far worse to be without him.

Embry nodded, fighting the growing smirk on his face, "Well, I happen to know that he would love to see you, too."

Diana sighed, she felt relieved. Maybe, she truly just needed to talk about it... all of it. Embry nodded, relieved that his friend was relieved. Then he sighed.

"Surprisingly, it wasn't that big of a shock." He said, laying back and watching the sky.

"What wasn't?" Diana asked, situating herself to lay by his side.

"Finding out you were a vampire," he looked over at her, and she looked away, ashamed. "I wasn't really upset, we weren't exactly best friends then, and even if we were, I didn't expect you to tell me that kind of a secret."

Diana turned and looked at him, "I guess," she looked up at the sky, "- I just can't help feel guilty. Regardless of the level of our friendship, I hate lying. My whole life is a lie, to those who don't live it with me."

Embry laughed, "Well, you can't really explain it to those who aren't living it with you."

Diana laughed lightly, "I guess," then her smile turned to a frown, "- I just wish I didn't feel so alone. I mean, my brother moved on, found a family of his own... without me," She chuckled dryly, "My mate is dead, I haven't really got many friends... I am completely alone."

"Well, you've got me," Embry said. Diana didn't look at him, but he saw her smile. He was glad he could help, even in such a small way as making her smile.

"And you've also got Paul if you give him a chance."

Diana took comfort in that. She did have someone, someone who maybe wouldn't leave this time. Diana sighed in content and closed her eyes, "Remind me what it's like..." her voice was soft, conveying her everlasting restlessness.

Embry surveyed her features, "What what's like?"


Embry found the question just a touch on the weird side, then he realized that the girl hadn't slept in over a century, "Well," he paused. After all, how do you answer such an... interesting question?

"It's like, turning the lights off. It's slow-moving and gentle, your body relaxes and you don't have to try anymore. No more straining to lift yourself, no more talking... no more trying. Just calm and quiet, and stillness," Embry yawned, suddenly realizing how tired he was.

Diana was still, her eyes remained closed. To any normal human, she would have looked like she was sleeping, or dead if said human was able to tell that the girl wasn't breathing. Embry nodded in and out of sleep, he was torn between going home and staying with Diana, who seemed to have reached some level of peacefulness.

Diana noticed the slowing of her friend's heartbeat and opened her eyes, "C'mon Embry," she whispered, helping the sleepy boy up from the ground, "Let's get you home."

But, Embry was too far gone, and Diana didn't even struggle to hoist him over her shoulder. And began to follow the trail his scent left, it led her to a small house. She situated Embry on the porch swing and left the reservation. Her walk home went by quickly, and it was only 3 am when she had gotten back to the small household.

She traveled to her room and laid on her bed, closed her eyes, and repeated Embry's words over and over in her head, like a mantra. Diana smiled in content, this was the closest she had gotten to a good night's sleep in years.

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