Chapter 44: Arcadia Siblings

Start from the beginning

Their parents had so many expectations for Vespera to be the eloping child, but they were wrong.

They were so very wrong.

Between Vespera, Malark, and Ortho, she was the only one with a marriage license issued by the Rhine Empire.

"Artho," Vespera's lips pulled into a murderous snarl, "I take it you have been treating my brother kindly."

It was not a question, but a statement with only one answer.

"A-ah, yes?" The answer had come out as a question, however, which resulted in a nasty death glare aimed toward Artho at full force.

"I mean, yes! Yes, yes. Yes, of course! Of course, I treat Ortho with all the respect and kindness he deserves..."

Artho trailed off.



Ever since the elopement, Artho avoided Vespera like the plague. He would have been fine never appearing before her as long as he existed.

But not today.

Today, Malark pushed him to the front.

Why? Because Artho accidentally over-watered his Moon Dew Flowers...

It took Malark nearly three days to save the roots from rotting, so he was feeling particularly vindictive and vengeful.

"You should save him. Artho is acting like a fool," Ortho said within their shared mind space. They could see Artho frantically heating the kettle and then nearly burning their hand on the heating talisman.

Malark snorted. "If he had read my instructions clearly, he wouldn't be in this situation."

"Siccing sister on him isn't going to teach him shit, Malark. I'll pay for the damage to the plants. How much Nectar Serum do you still need?"

Malark clicked his tongue. "... Three jars," he admitted begrudgingly.

"I'll go to the market after closing up. Go help him."

With a little push from Ortho, Malark changed places with Artho.

When he appeared, he found himself pouring coffee into a cup like he was a waiter from a five-star restaurant.

The coffee spilled all over the table during the change.

What the hell, Artho?

Malark wordlessly dumped half the overfilled cup into a flower pot and handed the rest over to his sister.

"Why have you come, sister?"

Vespera noticed the minute shift and snorted.

She took a sip of the coffee Artho brewed, glared at it, and then made a noise of approval.

"It is an urgent matter regarding your nephew," she said.

There was a biting tension in her tone, and Malark instantly sensed the seriousness of the situation.

He went over to the grandfather clock and banged on it a few times. The clock came to life and started ticking. When it reached 5:35, there was a distinctive click within the body.

He opened it.

"After you." He gestured.

Behind the grandfather clock was a winding staircase that led into total darkness.

Vespera took a step forward, but a vine curled around her waist and tugged her back.

She raised a well-trimmed brow, amused, and turned to her brother.

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