Karkat sees a dilf 😳😋

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Looking bored, Karkat walks around the mall looking for something to do when his eyes land on a group of children lined up to see a man with a red coat and a long white beard.

"Oh hell no, a mall Santa wtf" he thinks to himself.
Then karkat remembered you babying him when you first got to the mall so he decided to stand up to his fear of mall Santa's and slowly walks up to the line of kids.

The closer Karkat got to the mall Santa the more he realized that this was no ordinary mall Santa, this particular mall Santa was a hot dilf.
"Damn he's fine" karkat said to himself out loud but immediately regretted it because all the parents of the children in line were giving him dirty looks.

Karkat found himself drawn to this mall Santa and budged infront of the kids in line to be the first to sit on Santa's lap.
"Oh well hello there, you sure are excited to sit on Santa's lap young man" the mall Santa said in a Cheery voice.  "Uhh ya I guess so" Karkat said in a small voice (nervous because he didn't plan this out very far in advance).

Cautiously, karkat sat down on Santa's lap and felt completely at home in His  warm, cozy lap. After a while of silence had gone by Santa asked "young lad, what would you like for this Christmas?" Karkat already knew his answer. He wanted to fuck this dilf til dawn, but how would Santa react if he said that?
Regardless of the consequences karkat whispered in Santa's ear all the dirty things he wanted to do to him.

Santa waited a moment and then said "wait for me in my office, just ask the elf's where to find it and say your a close friend of mine and have a merry Christmas" karkat was shocked that the mall Santa felt the same way as he did. Never the less karkat followed what Santa had told him.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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Karkat x Santa  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora