Chapter 14: Enjoy The Hunt

Start from the beginning

"Who are you again?" Why did I say that in my head? He looks at me with a smile but it looks like a sinister sort of smile. My brain can't quite comprehend what's happening. 

"I'm your Alpha, you mate will be here soon. Don't forget the darts ok! There in this pocket" He leans towards me and pulls me against him, puts his hand in my pocket to signify the darts. What darts again? I try to blink the fog from my mind when I feel his hand brush over my folds. 

My head is saying this isn't right. Fight it. But my body has a mind of its own and I moan. What the fuck. His grin grows so big it looks like his face might split in half. Brushing his nose up my neck, making me shiver but not in a good way he coo's at me

"Yes much more pliable now aren't we. Should take a lot of the pain away for a bit too. Maybe I should mate you myself!? Hummm'' I feel one of his fingers enter me and I push into it. My mind is struggling to think clearly. I need to get away from this man but again my body is working against me.

"Fuck I should have had this cocktail made along time ago. You're like putty in my hands. Would you like me to fuck you?"

He hasn't stopped fingering me but I'm feeling sick that I can't fight my body. And my mind is still foggy. I try to pull away but he pulls me into him by my arse. And bites my shoulder which reminds me that Darren marked me. That seems to wake me up a bit and I start fighting whatever is making me act this way. I shove at his shoulders hard and he stumbles back. He looks dazed for a second but then his face morphs into scowl, it's then I remember who's in front of me, this is the vile Alpha that's been abusing me. and I am literally sick. Right on the ground in front of him.

"Yuck, you disgusting bitch. Maybe you need another dose, he did say it would be trial and error as you're our guinea pig. Sickness is probably a side effect! Sorry"

I wipe the back of my mouth. What the actual fuck. I don't want more of that shit. I barely fought it the first time. I run, but don't make it far as I smack into a solid chest. I look up and see the salacious smile on Alpha Darren's face. I gulp and go to step back when he grabs my upper arms forcefully and pins me in place. Iv really sobered up now. And am terrified, he has always been more forceful with me, more so than Alpha but he's also very possessive when he has no right to be. Which makes me wonder how bad it will be if he manages to mate me, him marking me is bad enough. 

I feel another sharp pain in my arm. And look over my shoulder to see Alpha Injected me again. Fuck! I struggle in Alpha Darren's hold and try to get away but he's steadfast and I'm still very weak.

"You've been paid, and the contract signed. You may take your leave now Alpha. She's mine!" He says in in a derogatory way

Gritting his teeth Alpha says
"Yes you are correct. I shall take my leave. But remember who you're talking to and what the contract entitles me to when it comes to her. She may be your mate but I can and will still do as I please when I please and you have no say in that! So enjoy this one time your entitled to tell me to fuck off" He finishes on a laugh and walks away. Then he says over his shoulder 

"Oh and IT. Enjoy The Hunt! I just gave you a triple dose!" 

That sends a chill down my spine and now I'm starting to feel the effects of that drug. But as I know what's coming, I try to fight it this time, but this dose is stronger. I'd describe it like, I feel my body humming. Begging to be touched. I need a release or to find the off switch but I feel dopey and lightheaded as well. There's a war raging inside my head for dominance and I'm hoping my clarity remains clear. I do not want to mate him and to be forced to enjoy it. That's a whole other level of fucking psycho malevolent bullshit!!

He pins me to a tree and puts his thigh between my legs and puts pressure there. I moan, it feels so good, stupid fucking body. no!. it doesn't feel good and I need to snap out of it. I headbut him with as much force as I can muster, and he let's go of the tree and falls back, I stumble away from him and the tree and as he gets up i hear him laugh animatedly then hear him take a deep breath and say

"That's right! Run! Make it more exhilarating for me." 

I'm still stumbling away and hear his quick  sure steps catching up to me. I need to shake this off quicker. I look behind me and he's gone. I turn around and start stepping backwards. Where the fuck did he go. I scream when he whispers in my ear 


I whip around so fast and fall back but he's not there! My adrenaline is pumping now flushing some of that shit out my system and I must be going crazy because I'm sure I heard a voice on the wind saying 'please hold on, i'm coming!'. 

I get up and run, managing to actually do it this time and not keep stumbling or falling. I smile thinking I can do this when I'm tackled to the floor by a big furry, russet coloured wolf. I go tumbling arse over tit and when I come to a stop I have to catch my breath. I just had the wind knocked right outta me and am now feeling all my wounds again. I then feel a weight climbing up my body.

As I look down I see a naked Alpha Daren kissing and shoving my dress, up my body. It feels good, my body is still humming with the affects, but I still manage to keep a clear head and know my body is responding because of the drug and nothing more. And I control my body, so I push at him as best I can but he doesn't stop. I then remember I have those darts.

As I reach down to my pocket to make sure they are still in there, I feel him push himself inside me. And scream while punching him. He laughs, pulls out, flips me over, grabs a fistful of my hair at the nape of my neck and enters me from behind. I scream again then I force my body flat and roll to the right, I just get to my feet and he grabs my ankle and I hit my face on the floor which makes me see stars for a second. 

He drags me towards him and when I start to struggle again he hits me. I taste blood in my mouth and on my lip and am seeing quadruple Alpha Darren's which make me scream. Trying to hit them but I keep hitting air. Then he goes to force himself In again, when he's snatched right off of me. Breathing heavy I look up to see what happened and come face to face with a beautiful, humongous midnight black wolf with burnt amber glowing eyes. I hear Alpha Darren growl out

"Step away from what's mine now. I am an Alpha and you've stepped onto the wrong bit of territory I'm afraid, this land is reserved for me and my mate alone. So I demand you leave. I'm not accepting challenges over her. She MINE! I've marked her!" He then shifts into the russet coloured wolf from earlier. 

The midnight Black wolf takes a protective stance in front of me and snarls at Alpha Darren, who then charges at him, his teeth bared, aiming for midnight's throat, and a ferocious fight between the two starts. And though I'm extremely grateful and I don't want him getting hurt over me, I can't miss the opportunity he's presented to me, so I get up and run as fast as I can away from them, away from everything.

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