chapter 23

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addison pov
bryce and i also decided that we wanted to post confirmation pictures on instagram, so after filming the video bryce sent the footage to his editor and we headed to where our photo shoot was.

i had rented out an aesthetic area for us, enabling our photographer to capture a range of photos of us in a number of different settings. we had photos taken in a few outfits before it was time for the pool pictures. i jumped on bryce, throwing us both into the pool as we laughed before positioning ourselves to get the perfect shots.

bryce pov
"okay perfect" our photographer announced as she took the final picture for us, addison and i pulling away from our kiss. i wrapped my arms around her, guiding us to the end of the pool so we could get out.

"i'll have the photos sent to you guys by noon tomorrow" our photographer told us, addison and i thanking her and telling her how excited we were to see them. even though i knew they were gonna look hot, i couldn't wait to actually see them and break the internet with them.

"what do you want to do now baby?" i asked addison.. "i'm tired, let's go get dinner and go home and watch a movie or something." i agreed, we've had a long day and now all i wanted to do was relax.. so that's what we did.

i drove us back to addison's, stopping off at chick-fil-a along the way to grab some food. when we got home, we took quick showers and got ready for bed before putting on the movie. when i came out of the bathroom, addison had the movie ready to go and she extended her arms out to me, me happily falling into her embrace.

i put my arms around addison and rested my head on her chest as she gently played with my curls, both of us watching the movie and soon drifting off to sleep.


i was woken up by the soft feeling of addison planting kisses all over my face. "morning baby" she said as she lay on top of me, wrapping her arms tightly around me and burying her face into my neck. i said good morning back as i kissed her cheek before holding her in my arms.

addison soon got a text from her photographer, letting her know that she had emailed the photos to her. that being said, addison grabbed her laptop and opened the email, both of us being more than happy with how the pictures had turned out. we chose the ones we would be posting on each of our instagrams before deciding to get out of bed and get ready for the day.

we went down to the kitchen to grab some breakfast, both of us having a bowl of cereal. as she was about to sit down, addison got a call from her team, leaving the kitchen and standing in the hallway to answer it.

"morning buddy" i said to lucas, who soon entered the kitchen and cheerfully greeted me back. "do you want some breakfast?" i asked him, him telling me that he wanted lucky charms. i poured some into a bowl for him as he sat down beside me and thanked me.

"hey lucas" addison said as she came back into the kitchen, sitting opposite us and eating her cereal. i asked addison if everything was okay in regards to her phone call and she informed me that the call was just her team letting her know that one of her meetings next week had been rescheduled.

"bryce made me breakfast" lucas told addison, a smile appearing on her face. i treat addison's brothers like they're my own brothers and i know addison loves the relationship i have with them as well as the rest of her family. "i need to prepare myself for when we have children" i teased, addison and i both knowing that we were nowhere near ready to be parents yet. addison giggled before responding "don't worry we'll have years to prepare before that happens."

Addison Rae Retweeted
brycehall: new youtube video coming out today.. you guys don't wanna miss this one ;)

after breakfast i tweeted about the new video and then addison and i just chilled for a few hours before it was finally time to post it. about ten minutes later, addison and i posted our instagram pictures too, receiving a mainly positive response with the majority of people being supportive and happy for us. "i'm so happy!!" addison stated, and i nodded in agreement, feeling the same contentment and joy that she did. we were so delighted that the news was out and we loved how happy the braddison fans were.


addison pov
in the evening, bryce and i decided to go into the hot tub where there was a perfect view of the sunset. i kissed him before he put his arms around me, allowing me to lean against him to admire the view.

"so preparing yourself for when you're a dad.." i said, reminding bryce of his comment at breakfast and making him laugh. "i was just kidding.. well not completely because i do want kids but not for another at least 5 years" he said, quickly adding on "and with you of course" making me blush. "well i would hope it would be with me" i replied, playfully raising my eyebrow.

"i can't imagine my future without you addison. you're the woman of my dreams and i can't wait to put a ring on your finger. i love you more than you will ever know and i know that love will just continue to grow.. even though it feels impossible, i just fall for you more and more everyday" bryce asserted as he grabbed my hand and kissed it, making my heart melt. my love for this man was unconditional and i truly believed that he was my soulmate.

"i love you beyond words bryce. we haven't been dating for long, but it's been long enough to show me what true love feels like. nobody could ever compare to you. you're the best boyfriend and i know that one day you'll be the best husband and the best father to our children. i can't wait for our future together" i stated as we held our gaze with each other, soon falling into a deep kiss.

life felt perfect right now.

and just like that, this story is completed !! i hope you enjoyed it and thank you so so much for all of the support- the fact that it has over 14k reads and 500 votes is crazy. i love you all <3
and if you want to you can follow me on instagram @braddisonsvibe3 :)

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