chapter 15

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addison pov
dixie and i were sitting in the kitchen, talking as we ate some food, but our conversation was interrupted by my phone ringing.. it was bryce. i was so glad that he had been released but i wasn't ready to speak to him, so i just ignored the calls, soon getting a message from him..

bryce: hey addison, thank you so so much for paying my bail. i love you and can't wait to see you!

i didn't know how to respond, so i instead just liked his message so he knew that i had seen it. nessa had also sent dixie a text, letting us know that both boys had been released and that they had a flight in three hours.


after just chilling with dixie for the day, it was now 7pm so i decided to take a quick shower before everyone got back. i walked out of bryce's en-suite to bryce laying on his bed.. i didn't think they'd be home yet, but i guess i was wrong.

"hey" he said softly as he looked up, causing us to lock eyes. "hi" i replied, sitting on the edge of his bed. bryce then got up and sat next to me, leaving a bit of space between us. we sat in silence for a moment before bryce began to talk.. "i know we have a lot to talk about, but first i want to say thank you. thank you so much for paying my bail. i'm so grateful for the fact that you thought i cheated but still paid for me to be released. and talking about the cheating thing, i want you to know that i didn't cheat and would never cheat. there were lots of girls at the bar and the second she put her arm around me, i removed it. i promise you. regardless, i'm so sorry for how you must have felt. and the arrest, trust me i'm so disappointed in myself and you probably are too.. rightfully so. but it's put me in check, it's made me realise that i need to mature and that is exactly what i'm going to do. addison, you make me want to me a better man. i'm sorry about everything. i love you so much." i didn't reply to bryce, instead i just pulled him in for a hug. i could tell that what he was saying with genuine, i could see the sadness in his eyes. i shouldn't have doubted him for a second, i should've known he would never cheat. and as for the arrest, i'm so glad that he's going to better himself and i'm going to be here to support him every step of the way.

"i love you" is all i said as we pulled away from the hug, bryce giving me a soft smile. we sat in silence again, this time me being the one to break it.. "i'm going to be honest, when i saw the picture of you and that girl it hurt me and i did doubt you, i know i shouldn't have but i did and i'm sorry. i should've known i could trust you, but i guess i was just feeling overwhelmed with everything going on and all the comments i was getting didn't help. as for the arrest, remember that every day is an opportunity to start over, an opportunity to better yourself, and i'm going to support you in that. i promise. i love you bryce."

we spoke about everything for a bit longer before falling asleep in each other's arms.


"morning baby" bryce whispered, cuddling up to me. we stayed like this for a while before getting ready and going downstairs. when we went down, i gave jaden a hug as i hadn't seen him since he'd been back. i also said hi to the girls, josh and griffin, who was now here too. "i think that's the last time we leave the state" jaden said laughing, all of us agreeing.

the girls asked me about how everything was between bryce and i. i told them about how the cheating rumours were false, as well as saying that bryce was going to better himself following the arrest, mads saying jaden was going to do the same.

i got a call from my mom, her asking if bryce and jaden were okay. she had also called me yesterday, asking about the arrest and supposed cheating. today when she asked me, my answer was very different. i briefly told her about our talk last night and how everything was now good between us, which she was happy to hear.. she has always been so supportive of bryce and our relationship.

i went on tiktok to see that my comments were filled with people asking if bryce and i were still together. i replied yes :) to a comment reading is everything good between you and bryce? i specifically chose to reply to that comment because it didn't mention us being together, and a lot of people believed that bryce had cheated, so by replying to the comment i wanted to put those rumours to an end.

bryce pov
i went up to addison, hugging her from behind and telling her i had a little surprise for her. i wanted to take her on a date at the beach.. simple but effective. even though we only did it recently, there's still limited things to do because of corona virus, regardless i know addison will love and appreciate it. i also prepared a picnic basket along with a blanket, so we can enjoy some food and keep warm whilst watching the sunset.

i grabbed addison's hand and led her to my car, both of us singing our hearts out on the drive there. when we arrived, i told addison to wait in the car so that i could set everything up for us. i grabbed the picnic basket, taking it over to a quiet spot under a palm tree where there would be a perfect view of the sunset. i spread the picnic blanket and unloaded the food and drinks, also scattering some rose petals around the surrounding area. i then went back to the car, opening addison's door, grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers as we walked along the beach up to our spot.

"baby awhhh" addison squealed with delight, wrapping her arms around me and giving me a gentle kiss before we sat down. "this is so cute, thank you bryce" addison said, grabbing some crackers as i kissed her temple. the sun soon began to set, both of us enjoying the picnic and talking about a thousand different topics in each other's embrace. as the breeze began to get cooler, i wrapped a blanket around us, letting us cuddle up for a bit before we decided to take a walk along the beach, hand in hand, feeling the sand beneath our feet and dipping them in the water.

waiting for addison's simp tweets.. i remember when bryce went to wyoming and addison replied "good" to his tweet about coming home and we all freaked out

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