chapter 11

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griffin pov
bryce and addison weren't down yet, so i went up to bryce's room to see if everything was okay before heading back into the pool. "were they making out?" josh asked, sort of joking but not really.. "no they were just talking, they said they'll be down in a bit."

bryce pov
as addison removed her cover up, i saw nothing but pure beauty.. i had no idea what she was so insecure about, her body was beyond perfect. "you look so good" i said, not being able to take my eyes off of her and making her blush.. "like the view?" she said, imitating me. i did the same back, replying "oh of course." "let's head down, they probably think we're having sex or something" i joked, both of us giggling and addison playfully hitting me.

addison pov
as bryce and i joined the others by the pool, dixie called me over to her whilst bryce got in the pool. "is everything okay addi?" dixie asked me.. "yeah i was just feeling a bit insecure." "addison you're gorgeous and your body is so perfect" dixie asserted, making me smile as i thanked her.

"are you coming in addi?" bryce asked me, but before i even had the chance to answer i was in his arms as he carried me into the pool. as bryce put me in, i playfully rolled my eyes and splashed him, pretending to be annoyed. he splashed me back, leading to us splashing each other back and forth, giggling away. we then chilled in the pool as a group for a bit, just catching each other up as we hadn't spent time together in ages.

i then got out of the pool and laid down on one of the sun loungers, wanting to just relax. bryce soon joined me, sitting on the edge and putting my legs on his lap, gently rubbing them as he continued to talk to the others. i then sat up and on bryce's lap as dixie and griffin had brought out ice cream for us all. after eating my ice cream, i stayed on bryce's lap, putting my arms around his neck and resting my head on his shoulder as he placed one arm around me and the other on my thigh.

bryce pov
"we should go on a road trip to texas or somewhere, just us boys" josh suggested, nessa immediately questioning him on why he just wanted to go with just the boys.. "because we've all been such big simps lately" josh told her. "so are you boys down?" josh asked us, all of us looking at our girls for their approval.. i guess he was right about the whole simp thing.

"what do you think baby?" i asked addison.. "of course you can go! you don't have to ask me bryce" she said sweetly. all of the boys were in so it looks like we'd be going to texas in three days. "whilst you guys are having some guy time, we can all have some girl time" dixie posed to the girls, all of them agreeing.

everyone soon cleared off to their rooms, addison and i taking showers before laying on my bed. "you should come over for dinner tomorrow night!" addison said, telling me how much her family would love to see me.. "yeah sure" i replied, addison texting her mom to let her know. i had already become pretty close with addison's family so i was excited to see them again.

"so are you looking forward to going to texas?" addison asked me.. "yeah it'll be nice to have some guy time but i'm gonna miss you" i said, putting my arms around her. "i'll miss you too, but it's only four days and we'll both be occupied spending time with our friends" addison stated. we lay in silence for a few moments until addison began to speak.. "i know i don't need to tell you this but please don't do anything stupid bryce." "of course not, you're the only one i have eyes for anyway" i told her. "yeah i know, i trust you.. i just don't want you to do anything that will get you into trouble." "i'll try my best" i joked, addison slightly raising an eyebrow before jokingly hitting me.. "okay okay i won't, i promise" i said as addison cuddled up closer to me.


addison pov
i drove home this morning, having a few things to get done before bryce came over for dinner. i went downstairs, seeing my mom preparing the food.. "what time is bryce coming?" she asked, me letting her know he'd be here in about an hour. i caught my mom up on us, telling her he'd be going to texas in two days.. "how do you feel about that?" she asked me.. "fine, i trust him" i said, even though i told him to be good yesterday, i knew he would, i just wanted to make sure.

bryce soon texted me, letting me know he had arrived. i opened the door to see a dressed up bryce, holding two bouquets of flowers. "hey baby" i said, giving him a hug. as we pulled away he gave me one bouquet of flowers and i thanked him, also complimenting his outfit.. "what can i say? i had to dress to impress." we then walked into the kitchen, bryce greeting my family and handing my mom the other bouquet of flowers. he gave enzo a hug and lucas a high-five, both of them saying how much they missed him. i loved the relationship bryce had with my family, my ex didn't really make an effort, but bryce did and it made me so happy.

not long after, we sat down for dinner, a lot of the conversations involving bryce and my parents catching up with each other. after we had eaten, i helped my mom and dad clean up whilst bryce played some video games with enzo and lucas. we then went into the living room and decided to have a movie night, watching toy story which was lucas' choice. bryce and i laid on one of the end corners, cuddled up to each other as we all enjoyed the movie.

before getting ready for bed, bryce and i filmed a tiktok, this time for his account. as much as we wanted to keep it on the low, we loved how excited the fans got when we posted together.


bryce pov
we spent the morning at addison's before going back to sway. we were leaving for texas tomorrow and i hadn't packed yet, so addison offered to help me. after packing, we went downstairs to join the others, talking about our plans for the next few days. "make sure you boys are good" mads said to us, the rest of the girls nodding their heads in agreement.. "guys chill, it's not like we're going to get arrested or anything" josh teased, receiving a concerned look from nessa.

trip to texas.. who's excited?!

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