chapter 2

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addison pov
it's been about a month since the breakup and to be honest it's not been too bad.. yes i miss bryce and there have been multiple days where i haven't been able to get my mind off of him, but for the most part it's been fine. i've managed to keep myself busy by focusing on work and spending a lot of my free time with my family and friends.

bryce and i haven't really talked much, we've texted each other a couple of times but it hasn't been anything too much.. just saying hi and checking in on each other. as much as i would love to speak to him more, maybe it's best that we keep our space from each other for a bit longer just to make sure that the feelings don't come back.. not like they've gone, but we're both still really busy and if we try anything again i want to make sure that i can dedicate a generous amount of time to the relationship.

i decided to go on instagram to look through some fan edits but as i pressed on my tags my screen became covered in edits of myself and tony. i was so confused.. since when were tony and i a ship? i am not ready for a relationship in the slightest and especially not with tony, we were friends and i could never see us being anything more than that.

after a bit of scrolling i discovered that "taddison" had formed due to tony liking several comments shipping us together.. why was he doing this? i decided to call him to find out because it was making me uncomfortable and i didn't want him to have the wrong idea.

after a bit of general conversation i asked him about the whole liking comments situation and he replied "i don't see the problem with it.. we're both single and it's just a bit of fun. and i mean we do look pretty cute together, it's not that deep addison." i proceeded to tell him about how it was making me uncomfortable and how i wasn't ready for a relationship, making sure not to say too much but still wanting to get my point across because he didn't need to know about how strong my feelings still were for bryce, but he just wasn't getting it. i don't know why he couldn't just respect my feelings in order to stop this ship becoming bigger than it already was.. "tony, taddison isn't going to happen. we're friends and nothing more than that, so why create a ship and just give our fans false hope? i told you i'm not ready for a relationship with anyone and to be honest i could never see us in one. please respect my feelings" i said, trying to stay as calm as possible.. "okay addison bye" he said laughing, ending the call. i really didn't understand what was so funny about this and the laughter gave me no reassurance that he would actually listen to me, so i guess i'd have to deal with my feed being full of tony and i for a while..

tony pov
i don't know why addison is so against taddison.. it's just a ship, a bit of fun. but you can't deny that we would be cute together, i'm getting thousands of comments about it and i can't help but agree.

i know addison said that she doesn't see us ever becoming more than friends, but i do. i truly can envision us being together and it actually working out.. unlike her and bryce, so i'm not going to stop building up the ship. it will be for the best, i know how happy addison and i could make each other and i will keep fighting until she gives in and finally gives us a chance. ever since i met her i knew she was the one for me, but she was with bryce and i respected that.. now that she's single there's no holding me back.

bryce pov
"bro no way have you seen?" josh asked me. i had no idea what he was talking about so i asked him to explain.. "tony thinks that he can get with addison" he said, passing me his phone which showed a screenshot of tony liking multiple comments, one reading ok i ship this SO HARD. he had also been commenting on addison's posts and liking edits of the two, but nothing from addison's side.

i'm not going to lie, seeing it did make me kinda sad, but seeing addison show no interest, well at least publicly, made me feel somewhat better. i then began to think about the possibility of addison liking tony.. was it as one sided as it seems or is addison just not showing public interest..? it would make sense though because i know how private addison likes to keep things. i mean all i wanted was for her to be happy and if tony made her happy, he made her happy and there was nothing i could do about it.

"it's fine josh, i'm happy for them if there is something going on." "are you bryce?" he said smirking. no i'm not but i couldn't let anyone know that.. "yeah why wouldn't i be?" i replied. "i'm sure she'd spit on it" josh joked, smiling as he was proud of his comment.


i was missing addison a little extra today.. especially after everything with tony i couldn't help but feel jealous. i had been trying to sleep for the past hour but all i could think about was whether addison liked tony and if anything was going on between them.

i was debating texting addison and asking her but i didn't want anything to come across in the wrong way. it's not like i should be getting upset about it in the first place, addison and i aren't together so what right do i have to be upset over her moving on.. it was going to happen at some point.


addison pov
it's been a few days since my phone call with tony and as expected, he hasn't stopped. it's just been getting worse.. with him continuing to like comments and edits, so much more attention is being brought to this ship. at this point i'm so over it, i've talked to tony again, multiple times, repeatedly asking him to stop but he still isn't listening, so i'm going to take matters into my own hands with a simple tweet..

whoisaddison: i'm single.. like so single

not even a minute had passed and my tweet had already been posted on tiktokroom with the caption reading oop okay #addison let's us know she's single, looks like her and #tony aren't dating after all ☕️👀 i'm glad that they've established that tony and i aren't dating, but just to make sure that the rumours definitely get put to an end i decided to comment too..

addisonraee: y'all tony and i aren't dating and haven't been dating.. we're just friends and i honestly can't see us ever being anything more. love y'all ♥️

bryce pov
"i have good news for you buddy" josh screamed as he came running into my room. i've tried not to make it obvious that i'm upset about the whole addison and tony situation but my boys know me too well and them being them, they haven't stopped teasing me about it. "what is it josh?" i said coldly, expecting anything but good news.. but to my surprise it actually was good news. josh told me to open tiktokroom and i saw a post of addison's tweet followed by a post of her comment, confirming that nothing is happening between her and tony.

i couldn't help but feel relieved. i knew there was nothing going on.. i guess it was just as one sided as it seemed.

tony pov
as i opened instagram tiktokroom's post of addison's tweet followed by the post of her comment appeared at the top of my feed. why did she have to be like this? she was so hot yet so aggravating.. i don't know why she hates us so much.

anyways, the hype house was going to be having a small party tonight.. just with us, the sway boys and a few other close friends. thomas had let us know about it in the groupchat and addison said she'd be coming. maybe tonight i could finally be able to show her what she's missing out on. nobody, bryce included, would be getting in the way of us tonight.. i would make sure of it.

taddison vs braddison.. around this time last year it was like a love triangle, all three of them tweeting things like "love you" or "miss you" and braddison pages would be posting about how it linked to braddison and taddison pages would be trying to convince themselves that it linked to taddison 😭😭 then bryce and addison got back together.. fun times

thank you quarantine // braddison Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat