Chapter 2

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My next class is Algebra, which passes quickly. Like my other classes, I half-listen and doodle on the paper I got from the teacher.

Before long, the lunch bell rings, and I trudge through the hallways to Mason. We always eat together. Most people would be sick of their siblings, but not me. Mason is my best friend, so we're always together. He's the only person I feel entirely comfortable being around.

When I find Mason, he's beside my locker with my backpack slung over his shoulder. He smiles and passes it to me, letting me shove it in my locker before we walk to the lunchroom. "Have any more trouble with Lexi?" I ask as we creep through the lunch line.

Mason shakes his head. "Nah, she got the message earlier," he answers. I bob my head and pay for our lunch.

The walk through the lunchroom was more manageable than walking through the hallways, and soon, we're at our usual table. "So, any new information on tonight?" I ask, taking a bite of my burger. I hope the rookie backs out and picks a fight where he has a chance of winning.

"Nothing new, but there'll probably be a dropout. You can grab the spot if we're there early enough," he says. Sometimes, people drop out of their fights right before they're supposed to start. Some give lame excuses, and others don't bother showing up. I've had a few opponents drop their fight with me before, and it's irritating because it makes me lose money and wastes my time.

I box to let out excess energy and honor my dad. He used to fight. They called him The Wolf, and he was one of the best. Fighting keeps his memory alive.

Suddenly, a tray smacks down on the table with a loud thud, making me jump. I whip my head up and quickly bite my tongue to suppress the words that threaten to spew from my mouth, like word vomit. Drake smirks down at me, probably liking that he caught me off guard, and sits to my left. Alec, Ross, and Chase sit across from us. 

"Hello, Button," Ross greets, snatching up one of my fries. Without thinking, I throw my hand out and grab his wrist, twisting it and freeing my fry. The fry falls back onto my plate with a plop, and I drop his hand with a smirk. 

"Wha-? How?" Ross gapes. There's a particular pleasure to gain from shocking someone speechless- a treat I really shouldn't enjoy.

"Don't take her food," Mason warns- too late- in a sing-song voice while munching on his fries. Ross shakes his head and pulls his hand back to his side.

"So," Drake starts, "Ross won't tell me your name." I glance at Ross before cutting my eyes to Drake. He's studying me. The intense swirl of blue in his eyes makes me shiver, so I turn away. Without looking at Drake, I take a bite out of my burger. I don't need to look, though. I can tell he's still staring.

"Probably because he doesn't know it," I mumble, shrugging a shoulder. Drake grunts in response but says nothing else, so I continue eating and listen as Mason talks to the guys. They introduce themselves, and before long, the conversation turns towards free time and sports. None of it interests me, though. 

After a while, the shrill bell rings. So annoying. I groan. PE is next, and Lucas and his gang of friends are in that class too. I'm not able to keep away from him or Lexi long enough to have a peaceful day. At first, I thought they made sure one of them was always in my classes, but they don't have that kind of power.

Once I've thrown my trash away, I drag myself to the gym and into the girl's locker room. To go unnoticed, I keep my head down as I yank my gym locker open to grab the school-issued gym uniform.

Begrudgingly, I pull on the inadequate outfit. With Lexi being the Queen Bee and Lucas somehow being the head of the student committee, they picked out the new uniforms: short shorts and white v-neck shirts that become see-through as soon as you sweat. Anyone with a brain can see these "uniforms" are inappropriate. The principal just doesn't want to go against his student committee since Lucas' parents and my step-monster gave the school "very generous donations."

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