ima fuck you all night long

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1 month later.

i was now on the way to the airport. i hate gus.
he literally bought me a flight to go see him.

in la.

gus wrapped his arms around me. "i missed you"
he said. "i missed you too" i said pulling away from
the hug. "thank god your here, i missed you" layla
said hugging me. "your literally taking me from
her" gus said. "tough" layla said.

some of gbc,me and layla were in a uber on the
way to get food. honestly i was just tired i wanted
to just sleep and i don't even know where i'm sleeping gus never told me. "gus" i said.
"yeah" he said turning to me. "where am i gonna
sleep" i ask. "with me boo" he said winking.
i stared at him. "nah i'm playing you can stay
in my bed and i'll sleep on a air mattress.
"i can sleeep on the air mattress and you can
sleep in your bed" i said. "no no no no, not
happening" gus said.

after the restaurant.

"gus can i go to your room" i said grabbing my
suit case. "yeah follow me" gus said. i followed
him. "you obviously know where the bedroom
was" gus said winking. i put my suitcase down.
"you room is actually tidy" i said. "yeah i know"
he said. "aw did the lil peep tidy his room for me"
i said. "uh yeah he did" gus said. "thanks but can
i sleep now i'm tired" i said.

 "thanks but cani sleep now i'm tired" i said

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scarlett.turner: just woke up
lilpeep: u slept for 2 hours
scarlett.turner: @lilpeep were u keeping track
maggiejones: u in la??
toopoor: so pretty
scarlett.turner: @toopoor love u
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i walked out into the living room. "she's back" i
said sitting on the couch. "finally after 2 hours"
gus said. "why do you know the exact hour" i said.
"cause i'm a good person and checked on you"
he said. "well thank you" i said. "i think peep
has a crush" coldy said. "yeah on myself" he
said. "yeah okay" coldy said.

everyone start leaving and going home. gus's
roomate nedarb went over to his girlfriends
house. "were all alone" gus said smirking.
i rolled my eyes. "we should get food" i said.
"it's fucking 2am" gus said. "yeah i know what
do you want" i said pulling out my phone.

me and gus got our food. "what toppings did you
get on your pizza" gus said. "extra cheese" i said.
"basicccc" gus said. "gus you literally got ever
single topping available on your pizza" i said.
"yeah and it's good as fuck, you wanna try" gus
said. "no thanks i'm good with my cheese pizza"
i said.


"ima go to bed it's 4am" i said getting up from
the couch. "same i don't wanna be out here
alone" gus said following me.

i walked into his room, turned on the light and
went straight over to my suitcase. i grabbed my
pjs and went into the bathroom.

i walked back out. "i'm surprised your not wearing
some sexy lingerie for me" gus said smirking.
i laughed. "sorry to tell you bud, but i didn't bring
any" i said sitting on his bed. i went on my phone
for awhile till i started to get bored.

i looked down at gus he was listening to music.
i got off the bed and tried to scare him. i walked
behind him and shook him. he ripped his headphones out and jumped up. i start laughing.
"that's not fucking funny, i could of had a heart
attack" gus said. "well you didn't" i said.
"your being bad and you know what bad girls get"
gus said. i stayed quiet. "they get punished" gus
said moving closer to me. i stood up and walked
back over to gus's bed. "uh i was in the middle of
something" gus said. "sorry you start boring me" i
said getting in the covers. gus rolled his eyes.

"night" i said.
"night scarlett" gus said.

i couldn't fucking sleep, i know classic. i looked to
see if gus was still awake. he actually was.
"gus" i said. he couldn't hear me cause of his
music. "gus" i said louder. "yeah" he said taking
out his headphones. "i can't sleep" i said.
"turn on the light" gus said. i turned it on.
"fuck that's bright" he said. i sat beside him.
"you wanna fuck" gus said. "yeah" i said.
"scarlett agreeing to fuck me wow" gus said.

"ima fuck you all night long" gus said leaning in.
gus kissed me, i kissed him back. he was so
fucking hot. he pulled away and start kissing down
my body. he looked up at me. i nodded my head.
he took of my sweats and underwear. "fuck" i
said putting my head back in pleasure.

then i woke up.

"the flight has landed" someone said. i woke up.
that was a fucking dream. it felt so real.
i look down at my jeans. fucking wet. thank god
there dark but you can see the outline. help.
"thank you" i said grabbing my things.
i kinda cleared up things with maggie and nate.
plus i kinda needed a place to stay.

i got off the plane and got my suitcase.
i walked outside to try find maggie and nate.
they finally got a car, well maggie did.

"i missed you" maggie said grabbing her arms
around me. i hugged her back. "did you piss
yourself" nate said. shit i forgot about that.
"nice to see you too, but no i spilled water
all over me" i said. "imma go into the bathroom
to change" i said. to be honest it's kinda disgusting.

i changed and walked back out. "let's go" maggie
said. i got in the car and we left the airport.

we didn't go straight to maggie and nates. we
went to gus's. fuck this wanna be awkward.
also gus wanted to buy my flight but i bought it

we got to gus's apartment. nate opened the door
and walked in. "she's here" nate said. i followed
maggie and nate into the apartment. "scarlett
what's up" gus said hugging me, i hugged him
back. i kinda hugged everyone. it felt exactly
like last month but different.

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