he's gone, i wanna get fucked up

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"and this is gus" maggie said. i looked at him
and smiled. i was currently visiting la.
i was with my 2 best friends that just moved
here. maggie and nate. i love them.

we were all hanging out in there apartment.
there was also a few others. i wasn't really
focused on anything right now. i kept thinking
of that boy. he was hot, pretty whatever you
wanna call it. "come on scarlett" maggie said.
"ugh no are we going out" i said. "yeah to a
party" she replied back. "lemme get changed i'll
be 10 minutes."

i came out like 5 minutes later. i just put on a crop
top and these baggy pants.

the party.

we arrived at the party. crowded as fuck.
"don't take anyone from anything" nate said.
sometimes he babies me, like i'm not stupid.
i mean i get it he's trying to look out for me but
it gets so annoying sometimes. i followed
everyone into the crowd.

we made it to a couch. everyone sat down.
"you want a drink" maggie said. "uh yeah get
my tequila if they have any" i said.
"tequila huh" gus said. "what's the problem with
that" i said in a tone. "nothing, you just look so
innocent i'm surprised someone like you would
drink" he said pushing his hair out of
my face. he's so hot what the fuck. i shouldn't
be thinking of him like that also he probably
has a girlfriend. "where's the quiet boy earlier"
i said. "he's gone, i wanna get fucked up" he
replied back.

maggie came back with my drink. "thanks" i
said taking it off her. i took a sip of it.
i pulled the cup away from my mouth. he was
staring at me. i looked at him. "surprised" i
said. he laughed. "actually yeah."

after a few cups of tequila, tequila mixed with
coke(the drink). i was drunk. i'm light weight.
which i hate so much. i made my way over to the couch and plopped myself on it. "look who it is" i
hear someone say. i turn my head. it's gus.
"what do you wantttt" i said. "are you drunk?"
he asked. "nopeeee" i said. "she's light weight
when it comes to drinking alcohol" nate said.
i stared at him. "fuck you" i said trying to not
slur my words. maggie dragged me to dance with
her. after awhile i got tired so i went back to
the couch.

i've been sitting on the couch for around 10
minutes now. i'm bored asf. parties are boring i wanna go home. gus has some girl on his lap
shoving there  tongues down eachothers mouth.
"get a fucking room" i said. "who is that bitch"
she said. i laughed. "girl he just wants you on
your knees" i said. "i mean she's not wrong"
gus said. "i thought you liked me" she said
getting off gus's lap. gus laughed and she walked away. "i'll have you on your knees soon" gus whispered  in my ear. "that's what you think"
i said back.

we all decided to go back to maggie and nates.
i couldn't really balance myself when i stood up.
"woah girl" gus said grabbing my hand.
"ima throw up" i said. "well don't throw up on me"
he said. i rolled my eyes and walked outside .

"i got the hottest video of you" maggie said to me.
"lemme see" i said. gus was behind me. i could
feel his breath on my neck. she showed me her

"what the fuck was i doing" i said covering myface with my hands

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"what the fuck was i doing" i said covering my
face with my hands. "nah boo that's hot" gus
said. i looked at him. "shut up" i said. he
laughed. "i'm being serious." he said.

back at the apartment.

"i needa sleep now or ima be dead in the morning"
i said. i walked over to there couch and fell onto
it. i looked around the living room area.
i couldn't see maggie or nate. where the fuck are
they. i walked down the small hallway where the
bedrooms are. i met gus. "what's up" gus said.
"shhh" i said holding onto his arm. we heard
moaning. "fuck" i said. "nate is getting it" gus said.
"i was suppose to sleep in there but i guess not"
i said. "you know that could be us right now" gus
said winking. "shut up" i said walking away.

i go sit on the couch. gus follows me.
"peep" i hear some girl say. gus looked at
me. "kiss me" gus said. "i'm not kissing you as
much as you want it ain't happ-" i got cut off
by gus kissing me. our lips synced together.
he pulled away and the girl was gone.
"there she's gone" gus said. "you fucking owe me
one for that" i said. "what do you mean? your
lucky as fuck you just kissed the lil peep" he
said smirking at me. "i hate you" i said standing
up. "stop lying" he said. i rolled my eyes and
walked away.

the next day.

i can't remember much from last night.
but my head fucking hurt a lot. i got out of bed
and went to the kitchen. i tried to find something
to take from my head.

i fucking couldn't reach the bottle of advil.
gus walks in. thank god he's tall he can get it.
i looked at him again. his t shirt is off and his hair
is all messed up. "can you get the advil bottle
for me i can't reach" i said to me. "yeah" he
said in a deep voice. his morning voice was hot.
he hands them to me. "thanks" i say.
"i needa go my thot is waiting for me" gus said.
"bye" i said. then he walked away. thot. ew.


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scarlett.turner: hi i look like a baby
maggiejones: ur so hot
scarlett.turner: @maggiejones all u b
lilpeep: 🧎‍♂️🧎‍♂️
omgimwigs: give creds for my bathroom light
random.user8367: shes so hot
load more comments

lilpeep start following you!

i put my phone in my pocket. "cmon we're going
over to gus's place" nate said. i rolled my eyes.
"also since when are you fucking maggie" i
said. "uh what do you mean" he said.
"shut up me and gus heard you last night" i said.
he went red. someone's probably in luv.

at gus's apartment.

we just arrived at gus's apartment. nate knocked
on the door. gus opened it. "look who came to
see me" gus said hugging me while i walk in.
i awkwardly hug back. that's fucking weird.
gus walks over to this girl which i'm guessing
is the thot he was talking about earlier.
they start to make out infront of everyone.
i looked away. nate introduced me to some of
his friends. some of them seem nice.
"so scarlett where you from" horse head asked me.
"well i'm originally from texas and when i was
10 i moved to seattle" i said. "nice" he said.
i nodded my head.

the girl got off gus's lap and left.
gus pulled out a rolled blunt and smoked it.
"i fucking hate the smell of weed" i said.
"but you smoke it" nate said. "yeah i know only
sometimes though" i said. "your strange" gus
said. "thanks" i said.

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