•spring-early summer

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"Mark Lee!" Donghyuck yelled, causing Mark to wince.

"It's not like I wanted to!" Mark yelled back, "You think I chose this pain."

Donghyuck felt a pang of sadness as he saw Mark tear up. He ran over to his best friend and hugged him tightly. Even if he was upset, It wasn't Mark's fault.

"I'm sorry, Hyuck," Mark whispered.

"It's not your fault," Donghyuck responded.

Mark knew this was how this conversation would go. The minute he told Donghyuck he liked Johnny, the younger got upset. Mark knew it was because Donghyuck cared and didn't want him to get hurt.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why make me watch you be miserable without him?" Donghyuck asked.

"Because it's nothing that I can't handle. It seems stupid," Mark sighed.

"You're feelings are valid, Markie. You haven't seen him in months, it's okay to miss him," Donghyuck reassured.

Mark wished that he could believe that. He shouldn't be missing Johnny this much, not when the older had a boyfriend. He shouldn't be so over the heels for him either.

"It's alright to need help," Donghyuck said. "How about you come home with me this summer that way you can get away from this for a while."

Mark nodded, thankful for the offer. Mark could only hope it would work.


"Mark, you're staring," Donghyuck sighed from beside him.

Mark really hadn't noticed. He was mindlessly scrolling on Instagram until he saw Johnny's post.

One year

A year was a long time. Mark didn't know that Johnny had been with Ten for that long.

"I should've known," Mark sighed, wiping a tear off his face.

Donghyuck moved over slightly to hook his chin on Mark's shoulder.

"It doesn't matter. Let's just focus on getting over him, okay?"

Mark nodded and tossed his phone across the bed. Donghyuck grinned enthusiastically and grabbed Mark's hand, urging him to follow. Mark couldn't say no. He just sighed and let the younger take him anywhere he wanted.


It'd been over two months since Mark last talked or saw Johnny. They weren't exactly keeping in contact which, was probably for the better. Donghyuck was sweet enough to let Mark stay with him over the summer with the occasional visits from Taeil.

Mark missed Johnny though. As Taeil slept peacefully on Donghyuck's shoulder, Mark was only reminded of what his heart deeply wanted.

It was something he could never have.

"Mark," Donghyuck said, getting Mark out of his thoughts. "Football starts next week, we should go shopping."

"For what, shorts?" Mark teased.

"Mark," Donghyuck whined. "We never have time to go back to school shopping because of football. Can we please go?"

"I'm just playing, Hyuck. Of course, we can go. I need new jeans anyways."

"I'm not letting you buy any more black jeans. You have like four pairs," Donghyuck said. He had started running his hands through Taeil's hair to wake him up.

"We both know you won't stop me," Mark grinned, standing up to get ready.


As much as Mark hated it, he was back to where he was. Under the scorching heat with the unbearing pressure of a crush on his shoulders. Mark was real close to losing every sense of mental stability. He was so tired of everything.

The practice went on as normal though. Yuta caught him up about his spring break and how his relationship with Sicheng was going. He'd recently died his hair blonde which, had led to teasing from Jungwoo. Not that Jungwoo could talk with the bowl-cut he gained over the break.

There was only one thing that disturbed Mark. Johnny wasn't talking. It wasn't just Mark, it was the whole group. He'd just hum in response to any question that was given. It was messing with the whole group. It was incredibly awkward and, no one knew when to speak.

The coach held a brief meeting before letting them go for the night. As the night ended, Johnny still hadn't said a word. Mark wasn't going to let it slide. Ignoring the burning of the feelings he was burying inside, he reached forward and grabbed Johnny's arm before he could leave.

Dark brown glossy eyes met Mark's. Something was different about them. The usual happiness that would dance in them was gone. All that remained was the blankness of it.

"What happened?" Mark asked softly, making sure he was out of earshot from everyone.

Johnny looked at him for a bit. Maybe Mark had overstepped. Maybe they weren't as close as Mark thought. But then Johnny sighed and looked at the ground. It seemed like years before he spoke. The words didn't seem true but, they were left stuck on Mark's mind.

"Ten broke up with me."

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