Chapter 46: Odum Siblings

Start from the beginning

The Manor had gone under lockdown for two weeks now.

Vespera was the only one allowed to enter and exit the gate, as she was investigating the reason for the incident.

Some of her personal servants had noticed a medicinal smell clinging to her coat when they were washing the laundry but dared not say anything about it.

The entire staff kept a close eye on the situation at hand. This was no time for accidents. They must be kept high-strung and tensed, in case another attack on the Young Master was made.

During this period of crisis, Ethel went missing.


Aurelion met Guinivere in the middle of the hall.

Both of their faces were cold and expressionless as they made their way to their mother's office.

She rarely summoned them, and when she did, it usually meant something urgent.

"Eldest Brother?" Guinivere suddenly asked.

Aurelion pressed a statue next to a wall and stairs appeared, leading into an underground passage.

"Asleep," he answered.


Guinivere plucked a lantern off the wall and they made their way through the passage and back out to another wing of the manor.

Without realizing it, the two siblings had reverted to their stoic nature.

The Manor was as quiet and cold as a mausoleum, and the cause of it was once again Nazareth.

For entirely different reasons, this time around.

Something was missing. The manor felt unbearable again.

They arrived in front of their mother's office.

"Mother," Aurelion greeted, opening the door.

Vespera stood in front of her children and gave them a letter.

"You leave at dawn," she said.

While their brother slept, they were being sent away?

"Please elaborate, Mother." It was not a question Aurelion was making, but rather a demand to know why.

She looked at him for a moment, her facial expression shifting slightly into a mix of endearing and calculating.

Guinivere wondered if she and their father had something planned.

The room felt like ice, the atmosphere unbearably stiff with tension.

"You two will go to the Church. There is someone there for you to meet. She has been made aware of the situation but cannot leave. Please bring her back as soon as you can."

Aurelion and Guinivere looked at one another.

The Church was a week's journey by horse and carriage. It was not a simple trip they were making, but a mission.

A mission that would lead them through the Desertlands, where the Holy City was hidden within the dunes, tucked away safely at the edge of a grand oasis behind walls built by the magic of the First Saintess.

And they were expected to somehow sneak a person out of those same walls.

Just how important—

Aurelion's mind reached a sudden conclusion, but it was Guinivere who voiced it.

"Will this cure brother of his ailment?"

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