Apparently you were my first love

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Year 2000
"The sky looks so pretty today, don't you think Jungkookie?"

Jimin and Jungkook were laying on the field next to the daycare. Finding cloud shapes instead of playing tag with the rest of the kids in the daycare.

"Hmmm, oh yeah it look super duper pretty just like you Jiminie."

Jimin felt his cheeks heating up upon hearing Jungkook's sweet compliment but before he could reply a little girl came running up to them.

"Hi Jungkook! Do you want to play with me?" She said, batting her eyelashes furiously at Jungkook.

Jungkook looked from the girl to Jimin eyebrows furrowed.

"Can Jimin play with us too?"

The girl looked at Jungkook with big eyes and began to pout.

"But Jungkook, we are playing house. I am the wife. You are the husband. I guess Jimin can play too, if he wants he can be the dog!"

Jimin huffed and looked away from the girl. He couldn't believe the audacity she had to come and try and take his friend away from him. And to make matters worse, Jungkook hadn't said anything yet.

"Sorry," Jimin said to the girl, now answering for Jungkook. "We are already playing house together. Jungkook and I are husbands, but if you want, you can be the dog."

The little girl frowned.
"No its okay, I'll go ask someone else to marry me then, bye."

"Bye!" Jimin shouted at the girl who was running away. Before directing his gaze back onto Jungkook. Who had been burning a hole into his head since he claimed their maritial status.

"What?" Jimin said, confused by the others actions.

"Jiminie, you said we were married."

Jimin smiled realizing his mistake.
"Yea, sorry Jungkook, she was just so annoying and she wouldn't leave us alone so I-"

"You never asked me to marry you. I never asked you to marry me. How can we be married if we never proposed?!? Jimin of we are going to be married we need to do this right."

Jimin was taken aback. He thought Jungkook was upset with him because he didn't want to be married to him. He never thought that Jungkook actually wanted to do the whole thing.

"Okay Jungkookie, we can do this right. Do you want to propose or should I?"

Jungkook puffed out his chest and stood up.

"I want to"

Jimin smiled his famous eye smile. "Okay go ahead"

"Give me one second" Jungkook said before sprinting off, returning a few seconds later with something behind his back.

"Jiminie," Jungkook said while starting to kneel in front of Jimin, "will you marry me"

He then revealed what was behind his back. A flower with the stem twisted to make a ring.

"Yes Jungkookie I will"

Jungkook smiled his bunny smile and stood up again. Taking Jimin in a bone crushing hug.

"Yay we are married now. What do married people do."

Jimin looked at Jungkook and shrugged.

"I have no idea."

Jungkook took Jimin's small hand in his large one and started pulling him in a direction.

"Let's ask someone then."

They soon found another 'couple' playing house and asked them what they should be doing. Apparently, one of them was supposed to clean while the other went around to try and make 'money'.

"But what if we want to play with eachother?" Jimin asked the couple advising them.

The boy shook his head, "married people don't play together. They just fight and clean. Only friends can play together."

Jimin frowned and looked at Jungkook who was sporting a similar facial expression.

What was the point of being married when they couldn't spend any time together?


"Yes my Jiminie?"

"I think I want a divorce."

Jungkook smiled and started to pull Jimin back to their spot on the field where they like to watch the clouds.

"Okay Jiminie, let's go back to being best friends instead."

I Think It Was Always You//Stories Of Our Youth//JikookWhere stories live. Discover now