They Tell Me I'm A God

Start from the beginning

Philza spoke, "He would never! This is our h-home!" There were tears in the man's eyes. This house had contained everything, the photos of his family, all of his possessions, his souvenirs from his trips, his son's memories, the scratches on the wall from Tech's sword, Wilbur's guitar, Tubbo's stuffed bee, Tommy's discs, the dragon egg he had worked five years for.....

the final things he had left of his wife.

He was blinded by grief and anger and suddenly the possibility of his youngest being the villain became ever so more realistic.

Phil needed someone to blame, all of them did.

There was no one to blame.... no one except him.

"Would he?" The father questioned as he shared a glance with his oldest son who held his sword firmly in his hand, grip tight.

This was a problem he could not be the shit out of, and he hated it.

Techno had felt the sting of betrayal from others so very often, how could he believe anything else when it happened again?

It always happened to him, this time the wave of horror and betrayal being the strongest he ever felt, his voices grew deafening, blocking out all the memories of his little brother.

The good ones. The ones that would show him he was obviously wrong, that he shouldn't listen to this manipulative tyrant standing in front of him.

But he did listen to him, he put a hand to his forehead dropping his sword, the voices were so very loud. He felt warmth in his hand and looked down to see his bee obsessed brother gripping it.

The voices quieted, and tears shone in Tubbo's eyes.

His bees, his things, his home.

He had never had a home until he had met Philza, and now it was gone, gone like his best friend.

For he had no best friend.

Because no best friend of his would ever do this.... and if Philza believed it then...

then it had to be true.

Wilbur simply stood and stared blankly at the destruction, all of his notes, his guitar, things that could never be replaced.

Things that Tommy knew couldn't be replaced.

This wasn't one of his pranks, this wasn't a joke, this was their home, their lives. His brother....

His brother had done this.

His little brother who he'd always been there for had done this, had hit him so very hard in a place Wilbur had never protected.

Like getting punched dead in the face blindly. You don't know it's coming, so you don't tense, you don't flinch or brace yourself, all the pain comes at once washing over you like the cold snowstorm that came down on them in drifts and now... now he had no where to go to warm up from the cold.

His life was a snowstorm....

and he was suffocating in it.

His pain quickly turned into anger as easy as striking a match.

Tommy had done this... and he would pay dearly for it.

No, none of them could ever physically hurt Tommy, they couldn't bear it. Even after all he'd done.

But they could do something even worse, they could leave him.

They had no idea that now was when Tommy needed them the most.

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