Be Safe Pt. 2

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Hey everyone this is a Part 2 of Be Safe, so if you don't remember that one I would advise going back and rereading it!! Enjoy!

Nobody's POV

And as the warrior grieved for the boy he had promised to keep safe, this newfound discovery gave Dream a wonderful new thing to play with.

He had finally found something he could use against the Blood God that had pestered him for so very long.....

and oh, how he planned to use it.

The boy let out a cry as the masked maniac threw him to the ground. Tommy was already covered with cuts and bruises from the roughness of Dream.

Tommy's POV

I winced and pain shot threw my spine as I was thrown to the ground. I quickly returned to consciousness and let out a cry in response to the pain that came from every part of my body.

I quickly looked around trying to take in my surroundings. It was a room made entirely of concrete, it was dirty and smelled horribly. It looked like a dungeon of some sort except there were no bars or windows or anything really.

I quickly backed myself into a corner and stared up in terror at my captor. He stared back in pure joy, laughing at the state I was in.

My hair was ruffled and messy and was mixed with blood and dirt. My clothes were torn and ragged from this man practically dragging through the forest. I had a few cuts and bruises from the small fight I gave him back at my house before he quickly overwhelmed me and knocked me out.

He stared at me for a few more seconds before saying in a playful tone, "Oh, don't look so pitiful! This is only a holding cell until I can safely transport you to somewhere.... well.... somewhere more permanent."

I sharply inhaled at the thought of being taken away from Techno, I already missed him so much. I just wanted him to come and wrap me up in his arms and tell me that it's all going to be alright....

won't it be alright?

"T-Techno is going to f-find me." I try to say strongly, but my voice instead comes out in a stuttered whisper.

I was so scared, I was already having flashbacks to my youth, to my father, the one who- No, I refused to go through that type of abuse and manipulation again, Techno promised me that I wouldn't ever have to go through that again.

However, tears sprang to my eyes as the man kicked me in the chest with a laugh and I realized that it was happening again.

"Oh, Techno? That weak bastard? Even he won't be able to save you after I transport you. Once I move you, you will never be found. It'll just be you and me! Excited?"

I stared at him in terror at a loss for words. His smile quickly morphed into a straight, very serious face. It left me in awe at how quickly he was able to shift his emotions.

"Technoblade cannot save you, no one can save you..." He paused, looking at me questioningly.

It took me a little too long to realize he was asking for my name because he quickly brought down a fist on my shoulder sending more pain through my spine.

"Your name?!" He spat.

"T-Tommy, my n-name is T-Tommy." I said trying to blink through the tears.

"Tommy." The man looked away from me at the wall like he was reveling in my name. "Tommy." He repeated happily with a nod of his head.

He turned and began to walk towards the door and somehow I found the courage to ask a question,

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