"Yes it is, now come on, I don't want my mate to starve." I said walking out the room.

  On our way to the kitchen, I thought about the things I planned for us to do today.

   1. Go on a walk.
   2. Have a picnic.
   3. Watch a movie.

  The goal? Bond.

  "Liam, start making the treats, we have little time, use the Zara oven, it'll bake faster. Carson, go make her breakfast, I have to go set up the things in the woods." I said authoritatively.

  They nodded and got to work. Now, there were no dangers in the wood, but I just needed to make sure that everything was perfect.

  Trudging into the wood, I began to think about whether she would like it or not. The wood was beautiful, the trees stood tall, flush and green, swaying gently in the wind.

  The flowers, different colors, different shapes, different smells. They radiated in the sunlight, dancing in the sun, thanking it for gracing them with it's powerful rays.

   The fairies flew around, leaving behind trails of magic, flying freely, tending to the planet.

   I came upon the spot that I set up the projector. A tarp hung from two trees, slightly moving with the wind, using telekinesis, I made it so that it wouldn't move when we were watching.

   Wrapping up my inspection, I headed back to the castle. Arriving to the dining room, I saw my mate dressed, looking more beautiful than the day before.

   "You look beautiful, my love. Finish eating, I have things planned for us." I said placing a kiss on her head.

"Oh I know I am."

   Going to pull away, she pulled me down to her lips and kissed me. Groaning as she pushed her tongue into my mouth, I wrapped my hand around her neck and kissed her hard. Swirling my tongue around her tongue, I sucked on her bottom lip and went deeper into the kiss, yearning to devour her sweet mouth. A throat cleared, interrupting us.

   "I think she needs to breathe." Liam said.

   I looked down at my mates swollen lips, then into her eyes. She was panting, that made me want to devour her even more.

  "Sorry." I said sheepishly.

  "No, it's ok, I enjoyed it." She said looking away from me.

  I smiled, she enjoyed my kiss.

  "Aren't you gonna eat?" She said pointing to the plate in front of my chair.

"I was too busy trying to eat you, so I forgot."


  I smirked at her response. Settling down in my chair, I peered at my mate. She was so beautiful. I'm a lucky man. We're all lucky.

  Finishing up my waffles and bacon, I took my plate and hers to kitchen and placed it in the dishwasher. I looked over to the counter on the other side of the kitchen, the picnic basket sat there, waiting to be picked up.

  Carrying it into the dining room, I held my mate's hand and pulled her to the foyer.

               -Sam's POV-

   He held my hand and carried me to the foyer. In his other hand was a picnic basket. Picnics are nice. I held on to his strong hand, it felt like home.

  We walked into the wood that surrounded the castle, the sun shone down on us, making my skin glow. I always did look good in sunlight.

The scenery was beautiful, there was a lake, it glistened in the sunlight, the water rippled as the animals jumped into it, frogs croaking their songs, as if to attract their mates.

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