Six | | Teething

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~Naruto & Hinata~

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~Naruto & Hinata~

You had been crying for the past hour. Boruto did not know what to do. He had tried to feed you, but you were full. He had tried changing your diaper, but you had not eaten so you had no reason to go. He was so confused.

Himawari was currently hugging you. She may be an infant but she does know you're hurting, you are her twin sister after all.

Unfortunately, Hinata was visiting her sister and father, so she was at the moment in the Hyūga compound.

"Oh my!" Boruto's saver was here. Hinata heared crying in the living room and found you cying in the arms of your sister, Boruto frantically trying to play with you in hopes of making you stop crying.

Hinata scooped in her arms and that's when she saw two white bumps in your gums.

"Mom! She won't stop crying!"

"That's because she's teething, Boruto." She left to the kitchen to grab the cooling gel to soothe the pain.

Once she applied the gel your crying ceased and you fell into deep sleep, tired of all the crying you just did.

~Sasuke & Sakura~

Sasuke didn't know what to do. You kept chewing on his sleeve and when ever he takes it out your mouth you instantly cry.

Sarada had to come and take over. Your mother, was out doing errands. Sarada had to look in your mouth and saw two white bumps, making her concluded that you were teething.

She went to the kitchen where your teething ring was, more specifically it was in the freezer. Sakura had known you were about to grow teeth soon.

Sarada then sit you back down on the couch. You continued to chew on the teething ring without a care in the world.

~Sai & Ino~

You had been chewing on one of your brother's paint brushes, who was in protest. He had been trying to get it back.

Sai came in the room with a cool cloth to give to you. He pulled out the paint brush and gave you the cloth. Inojin took the brush and whined in disgust as your salvia was all over it.

~Shikamaru & Temari~

You had been trying to take a nap for a while, but the pain in your mouth was unbearable. You had started to tear up and cry.

Your mother had tried soothing and shushing you. You began to chew on her clothes. That's when she got the idea that you might be teething. To help you soothe the pain she gave you a wet cloth.


Because he had never had any experience with a babies, he was absolutely clueless as to why you were crying and why you were chewing on your baby blanket.

"There, there, Pup." He soothed you, as he rocked you.

Noticing the the growing tooth, he went and picked up the parenting book he had purchased. He soon discovered that you were teething and you needed some thing to help you with the pain.

You began to fall asleep when he let you chew on your blanket.

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