Chapter 9 - Percy

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          "Hey Annabeth. Where is Percy?" Annabeth gathered up her tears so she could talk. Her eyes were red and puffy.

          "I don't know. He and I were sleeping together, and when I woke up, he wasn't there!" I looked at Tony.

          "Maybe he just left." I suggested.

          "No." Annabeth insisted. "He'd never. Plus I'd sense his presence. I don't right now and its a half mile radius sensor." I scratched my beard. Maybe she was right. Annabeth decided to go to Olympus.

Poseidon POV

          We assembled for the council when Annabeth ran in crying like crazy. The only other time she's cried that much is when my son disappeared. "Daughter what's wrong?" Athena asked.

          "It's Percy!" Annabeth sniffled.

          "I knew he was a menace. Why are you dating him anyways?" Athena crossed her arms madly. I rose up at Athena.

          "Hey! My son went to hell for your daughter! He'd sacrifice his own life for her. You dare talk about Percy that way. One more time and you will experience what my son did for your daughter! WALKING IN HELL!" I shouted grabbing my trident.

          "Please Poseidon, Athena. It's okay. Percy. P - P - Percy disappeared again." Annabeth broke down again. I couldn't help but feel bad. I was also mad.

          "Zeus, Hephaestus. You are acting oddly strangely!" I noted. Zeus tried his best to cover it but just looked angry. I looked straight into his eyes. I noticed something wrong. It was like a storm with happiness. It wasn't right. Immediately I knew that Zeus was being horrible. "YOU TOOK MY SON! TELL ME WHERE HE IS OR YOU'LL BE WALKING IN HELL!"

          Zeus fumed, smoke coming out of his ears. I noticed Hephaestus too. His beard was smoking more than usual. I had found out.

          "Well I guess you are not going to tell me so too bad!"I used the ancient technique. Bloodbending. Yes. I'm talking Avatar world. I'll explain everything after I get what I want from this vicious, dirty, mutt of a drama queen. I controlled the blood in his veins because it was liquid. He moved in all quirky places and no one stopped me. It was like I was Percy facing Akhyls. A newfound power that was so strong it needed to be stopped. "TELL ME OR THIS DEFIANT BREATH OF YOURS WILL BE YOUR LAST!" (For those of you that know Avatar. Yes. I stole Firelord Ozai's line.) Zeus strained until he realized he should talk.

          "Fine! Avatar Aang has him! Aang wants to destroy you. And so does me and Hephaestus. Good luck brother." I let go and Zeus and Hephaestus disappeared. That was bad news. So back to the Avatar thing.

           There are four elements. Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation, and Air Nomads. The Avatar can master bending with all four elements but others can only bend one. When an Avatar dies, a new Avatar from the next element will be born. Avatar Aang is an Air Nomad. When he was young, Fire Lord Sozin wanted to kill the Avatar and all of the nations except the Fire Nation. Unfortunately, Avatar Aang froze himself in ice for 100 years so Fire Lord Sozin was able to wipe out the Air Temples but not Avatar Aang.

          After 100 years when Aang was supposed to be 112 but actually is 12 years old, Katara a waterbender, Sokka a non bender and brother of Katara, Toph a blind master earthbender, and Fire Lord Zuko defeated Zuko's father Ozai who was the firelord at that time and brought peace in the world. Anyways like twenty years ago, I sent my secret son with a master waterbender from the Northern Water Tribe, his name is Yakone, to terrorize Avatar Aang. Unfortunately, Avatar Aang sent him to jail and took away his bending. Not his real powers. He died anyways. I found out that Hephaestus was evil. He helped the Fire Nation. He felt guilty so ended up teaming up with Zeus and Aang to try to defeat Olympus. Aang is 40 years old right now. All I could do is pray that Percy is fine.

Percy POV

          Aang stayed in the room. I quickly developed a plan. During that time, I forgot I was a god. I teleported and the last thing I heard was "Hey!". I aimed for the Earth. I remembered I was in a different planet. It must be far because teleportation is quick yet I got a good fifteen seconds to see the planet. It looked a bit like earth but I took a camera and shot a picture. I kept on going and managed to get back in two minutes. I teleported to Olympus. There I saw Annabeth. I grinned. 

          "Annabeth!" I yelled and I ran to her, hugging her, and we kissed. We pulled apart and I blushed. "Sorry M'Lady." I apologized to Athena. Athena laughed for the first time in her life (Which is very long).

          "It's okay. Lately I've realized that when you are around, Annabeth is so happy. Plus you went to hell for her. I approve." I relaxed but tensed when I remembered what happened.

          "Avatar Aang had me locked up." I explained looking very worried as I held the picture of the planet.

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