"I..I'm..sorry.." He said and looked down

He knew the man was right..he really did..the young boy didn't want to admit it, he kept being stubborn

"It's okay bear, you don't have to be sorry" Jin said and patted the boy's hair

The younger looked up, no... the man had tears in his face..how bad Taehyung felt about it..no no this is his fault

"n-no..'o cry" He said feeling bad about his actions

"J-jin no cry.." He said silent

Mommy no..

"mommy no cry I..I'm sorry!" The boy said crying even harder

"Awh it's okay baby here see? Mommy is not crying" He said and wiped the few tears with his thumb and picked the boy up

"I'm sorry!" The boy kept saying it

"It's okay baby..you don't have to be sorry.." He said and rocked the boy around the kitchen

After a few minutes Taehyung was calm again with just a few sobs..

"Here..everything is okay now..mommy isn't crying, and my baby doesn't have to cry too hmm?" He said and took a nod from the boy

He placed the boy on the high chair and started feeding him,,

"What a good boy I have, you ate all of it!" He said and clapped for him, it made the boy have a small smile on his face, he was..kinda..happy..

"Wait a second honey.." He as he took a napkin and started cleaning the boy's messy face which made him whiney a little

Seokjin took his little and sat on the living room's playing pen

"Baby we will have to do something now..okay?" Jin said placing the boy on his lap facing him

Taehyung gave him a nod

"Okay I want you to be strong hmm..it will only take three minutes.." He said

"Okay" The boy said being ready for whatever this was

"All right.." He said as he placed the boy on the soft playing mat on his tummy

Jin quickly placed the timer on his phone for three minutes and smiled at his baby, knowing that it won't go on well..

Taehyung didn't understand why he did that..he looked up at the man who was smiling bright at him

What is this again? My stomach hurts man! Pick me up!

Taehyung thought to himself and whined

"It's okay baby it's just some tummy time hmm..it will be over before you know it!" He said and made some funny faces that worked a little to make the younger smile

After Seokjin's phone bebed he quickly took his baby and hugged him tight "here, here..such a brave boy hmm" He said and patted the boy's back

Taehyung just looked up at him with tired eyes, he was tired for some reason..probably because of all the crying

He tried to move his hands and successfully did, he placed his palms up at the man's cheeks and started squishing them, the boy giggled from the man's funny face Jin couldn't help but smile at his little

"Is my face funny little one?" He asked and got giggles as a response

-time skip-

It now was 12.20pm Namjoon had called them that he missed the bus and so he would be late for lunch so Seokjin decided to go and pick him up with Taehyung of course

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