Do you know who you are?

Start from the beginning

I walked over, and I took a seat beside Amelia. Niall was sitting on her other side. "So you know, I'm sorry about handcuffing you, Ryan told me to be tough," Niall told her. I took the remote to the television and found a channel to watch.

"You know, when Harry dies the two of us can figure-" "Don't even finish that sentence Horan!" I told him. I grabbed Amelia by her waist and carried her over me to the other side of the couch. I was now in between them. "I'm just saying that-" "Shut up Niall" I told him. He just laughed and got up, Amelia grabbed my hand and squeezed it a little.

"How long are you two idiots staying in town?" I heard Louis asked. "We're heading back to Orlando in two weeks," Liam said. "Hey, how is Tyler?" I asked Niall, he looked over. "Considering he thinks you died he's fine, Ethan is also good-" "Ethan knows I'm fine" I told him. "And Tyler doesn't?" Niall asked. "He will spill it to Ryan" I told Niall, "probably" Niall nodded. "We won't," Liam said, "I trust that you don't tell Ryan" I nodded.

"And when are you two going to New York?" I asked Louis and Zayn. "Hopefully the 29th" Zayn answered, I nodded. 

"I bet she can tackle all of you" Louis smiled, I looked at Amelia. "I already did Niall and Harry," she said, "Harry too?" Niall laughed. "Yeah last night, who taught you that?" I asked her. I looked over at Louis. "You're looking at him lad" Louis smiled proudly, "I gave her a few tricks" Louis said. "And she did pretty good with Niall, sad I didn't get to see her tackle you Hazza" Louis smiled. "I can tackle you" Amelia told Louis, "yeah right, you learned those tricks from me sweet pea, you're never going to do me anything" Louis smiled.

He turned around to walk to the kitchen, I learned over to her. "Go!" I smiled, she got up. She walked behind Louis and in a few seconds only, he was laying on the floor.

"You surprise me everyday, sweet pea" Louis said. She pinned his arm towards the wood floor. "Don't. Call. Me. That" she told him. "What else should I call you?" he asked her, "maybe my name?" she asked. "Sweet pea is cute to you" Niall said, Amelia got up and walked back to me.

"We need to talk," she told me. "We can go-" "No, all of us" Amelia said.

"What's on your mind?" Louis asked her, "I don't want Harry to come with me back," Amelia said, "and I don't want climate change," Niall said. "I'm serious," Amelia said, "yeah and I'm 27, I think I can make my own decisions" I told her. "Yeah but you just can't control if you go with me or not, that's my decision, and I don't really feel like seeing you get shot by my dad so" Amelia said.

"You know," Louis said, "maybe it's best that Zayn and I just take her the 29th, cause I don't want to get killed either" he said. "None of you is dying" I just said. "Harry, have you met the man?" Louis asked me. "I basically lied to him, I think I will die if We bring you too" Louis told me. "And you know what, I don't see me dying, I'm way too young to die" he told me.

"So we all go then" I said, "no, absolutely not" Liam said. "You want us all to die? I think I'm going to pass on the sweet offer here Harry" Niall told me. "No, I'm sure-" "Listen people" Zayn said. "Louis and I will go with you, Amelia, but you cannot tell Harry, Niall or Liam not to go, they're in control of what they want to do" Zayn said. "Thanks!" I said, "you're idiots" Amelia said, "no we just want to protect you" I told her.

"I thought you promised me Harry?" she asked me, "to not ever try to protect me again and-" "I promised you to never go to New York and protect you but you're here right now, you're here!" I yelled back.

"Let us protect you!" I said, "it's not that hard to just let us do our thing!" I told her. "Your thing?" Louis asked, "if I remember correctly you actually decided to run away from your job, so-" "Shut up" I told him.

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