❤️HC: Relationship Poly (Hatzgang x Reader)

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Requested by me bc I am hatzgang brainrot

Hatzgang x Reader (Reader x Roy x Robert x Ross): Headcanons for all of them in a relationship :)

Warnings: None, except mention of Roy's uncle like once

 Genres: Fluff fluff lotsa lotsa fluff, Poly relationship, Wholesome and comfort

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- 3 dumb idiot boyfriends on your hands. Roy, Ross, and Robert all love you and each other unconditionally. The Hatzgang group itself is basically just one big power couple.

- Constantly do dumb stuff and get into trouble. A lot of the times to impress you and each other. There isn't a moment where one isn't putting a dare on another. You either watch or join in.

- All super supportive and loving of each other. Never have to worry about feeling lonely with them because either all of them, or at least one of them will be there for you if the others are busy.

- Each one of them has had at least one super soft moment alone with you. But mostly you're all inseparable and never seen without the whole group. Anyone left out due to busy schedule will be sent constant barrages of lovey text messages in the group chat, so they're not left out, that includes you.

- Don't have to worry about being bullied, Well, by them and by others. If they find out someone is messing with you or making you upset, they will pounce on them like a pack of wild dogs.

- Protective Boyfriend squad behind your back :)

- CONSTANT sleepovers at each other's houses. Ross's house usually because it's the most chill. Robert doesn't want you guys to wake up his little sister when the group eventually stays up too late. And Roy likes to spend any opportunity away from his family. They also like to surprise visit to your house.

- Sleepovers include watching movies together. Roy enjoys horror surprisingly, and the other two will cling to you and each other if anyone gets scared. It IS Spooky Month after all.

- Pillow fights also occur with Roy starting them. Tons of roughhousing and playfighting. They go easy because they're scared of actually hurting one of you.

- Ross is the most chill during all the noise of your sleepovers so if you need a moment to calm down or take a break, his arms will welcome you.

- High chance at night when there's no planned sleepover, that one of them will sneak to your house and up to your bedroom window and asked to be let in. A lot of the times it is Roy, he escapes home quite often due to his uncle and seeks recluse at one of you guy's houses. When you let him in expect comfort and cuddles.

- If any of the others catch wind that one of them is at your house, they'll all scramble out of their houses in the middle of the night to join you two in your room. Now you got three cuddly boyfriends in your room. Hope they can all fit on your bed or else expect a crowded cuddle pile with one or more of them on the floor in the morning.

- On school days, you all meet up at the bus stop in the morning. And its just a daily time for greeting hugs, playful banter, yawns and teasing towards the one who didn't get enough sleep that night, and hand holding while you wait for the bus to arrive. Sometimes you pull straws or flip coins to decide who sits next to who on the bus. And the one you sit next to always wraps their arm around you or holds your hand. The other two sit in the seats behind or in front. They can get pretty rowdy on the bus so expect the boys in the other seats to turn around or peek over to try and talk to one another and you.

- If one of you isn't at the bus stop by a certain time, they will spam the groupchat before sprinting over to that person's house to make sure they aren't sick, late or even dead or something. Turns out if your sick, they'll all skip school just to take care of you. And by care, one gives you soup and meds and basic care, complaining. While the other two goof off in your room and play video games.

- Don't worry, they'll all give you a get better kiss on the forehead.

- When it gets chilly outside, you all huddle together for warmth. Robert being the tallest and having a big hoodie, always zips one of you up with him in his coat, with just the head peeking out. Ross will also let you wear his beanie or put your hands in his pocket if you ask him. Other times you'll be squished between all of them as they try to warm each other up.

- At school, you all try to keep the relationship discreet to not cause attention, but that doesn't mean you never hang out with each other. Meet ups at lockers, waiting for you after class outside the door, and hangouts at lunch are frequent. They try to stay together with you as much as possible throughout the day. Having all three of them with you in a class is truly a blessing. Group projects assigned are a power move for you all (Even if at least one of you barely pays attention enough to do the work). And everyone in the school knows not to mess with one of you, as the horde will be alerted if they do.

- On days where you don't have school, the group likes to walk around the neighborhood. Lots of hand holding, joking, teasing, playful shoving, cheek kisses, and overall, just a good time out with the Hatzgang. 

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