❤️OS: A Brother a Bat and a Bully (Roy x Reader)

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(Requested by lil_shro0m thank you for requesting my boy Roy is so fun to write)

Pairing: Roy x Reader 

Warnings: Mild swearing, Mild bullying and mentions of fights/bruises and being beat up, Chasing someone w a baseball bat

Genres: Romance via enemies to lovers(?) Funny shenanigans and banter, mushy flirty fluff

Context: Reader is Skid's older sibling, They find out that someone has been bullying him and Pump and aims to stop it. Doing so however might lead to something else, possibly with the bully group's leader


Your brother and his friend have been acting different lately.

Not different as in weird, they've always acted like that.

But something else different.

Coming home from their little hangouts outside, you've started to notice, little things. Costumes torn slightly, scuffled up like they've been rolling around on the sidewalk.

Maybe they had been. But you wouldn't doubt they would not be so neglectful of the Skeleton and Pumpkin headed costumes they wear everywhere all day.

Yes even in June.

Some days the boys would come home crashing through the door, and you swear you could see them limping on one foot ever so slightly.

Yet, Skid and Pump acted as if nothing was wrong at all. Even when Lila made them pull their masks off to find bumps or bruises on their heads. Or when they come back and complained only once how they never got to eat any of the candy cans they just bought when out.

They acted as happy as can be like nothing in the world could ever bother them, which really nothing ever seemed to, even Lila was convinced by them and brushed it off, but it bothered you. It wasn't hard to pull things together, and figure out they were being bullied.

Three guys, from what you could tell. Hatzgang they called themselves.

You didn't really know much about them. In school they were almost any other group of kids, faceless in the mob of a hundred others besides the fact that they had a reputation for causing trouble. But in the neighborhood? They acted like they owned it. And it pissed you off.

You've seen the group, occasionally. Goading on and pushing around little kids that come their way and the Spookeez kids were no different of course.

The last straw was when Skid and Pump came home disheveled and almost out of it. A large box labeled "Happy Fella" was torn and seemed shoved over Pump. And Skid was dragging behind a naked doll, the clothes that belonged to it which Skid was wearing over his boney costume.

They walked in and brushed themselves off and were back to normal pretty much instantly, but you had enough.

Next time you saw those bullies you'd give them a piece of your mind.

Turns out, doing so was not as easy as you expected. After that day any chance you thought you could interfere they were already gone. You even went along with your brother and his friend a couple times to go out to get candy but they never appeared. Sometimes you'd swear you saw them outside with the kids but as soon as you got to the window they were already walking away.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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