I sit there puzzled "What?" I ask like an idiot. The lady at the desk as already gone back to her work and ignores us.

She rolls her eyes, "I'm your tour guide or something. Name's Ivy" she says walking out the door so I scramble to follow her. "Over there is classes, and over there is more classes" she scoffs, walking down the hallway. I was about to ask a question but she stopped and turns to face me. "Look, this is just your tour day so you basically have a free skipping pass. And since I'm your tour guide I get a free pass, so let's just go our separate ways" she says harshly. She continues her walking but I continue to follow.

"So Ivy, wanna hang out then?" I ask. She scoffs and ignores me. I spend at least most of first period following me until she breaks.

"Fine you little shit goblin" she growls, "Hang out with me. You won't last 5 minutes." I giggle which makes her more angry and she walks out to the back of the school. The first bell rings so we fit in well with crowd of kids. In the back of the school is a group of kids sitting on the ground laughing about who knows what.

2 boys and 1 girl sat in the circle that we join. "Who's the light weight" one of the boys giggle. I notice a boy sitting by himself, reading.

"This is Robyn" she says laughing. They pass around a blunt and I skip my turn. I am never doing that, or anything else. To my surprise Ivy doesn't take a hit and looks just as disgusted.

"Ooooo, New girl!" the other boy says clearly faded. 

They all laugh, "Preppy too" the girl says.

I scoff, "You put Avril Lavigne in a school uniform like this and she'll look preppy too" I retort. "And you two boys look like you came from the donation bin" I add. 

They start laughing and they move on to the next topic. "You know my dad is famous" the girl says. 

"Omg no who?" Ivy asks. I was curious too, was I not the only one with a famous dad? 

"Conan. Gray" she lies, I made a face.  "What you don't like Conan Gray?" she asks.

"No it's just I've never seen a group of more wasted potential and so vile" I say, getting up. Disgusted at what was clearly a habit for them. I leave them shocked.

"Hey" Ivy said, draping her arm around my neck. "That was so cool, someone needed to tell my friends what's what." Ivy comments.

"What was with 'You won't last five minutes' Do you remember that?" I retort. We're walking back into the school and I'm trying to head to my 3rd period.

"Yeah but that was like, before I knew how cool you were" she laughs. "3rd period?" she asks. I nod, she steals my schedule from my hands. "Cool, same classes" she says. "You got stuck with visual arts and engineering for your electives though. It's where they put most late kids or the 'odd' kids" she explains, "But I got those too" she barely let me get a word in now that she took a liking to me. "Avril Lavigne though is so like, grunge, ever heard of Yungblud? Or Polyphia? Oh they're so hot."

I was starting to wonder if she got faded when I hadn't noticed. "I like alot of stuff, Yungblud is good, never heard of of Polyphia," she was about to talk but I had to get my question in before she wouldn't let me. "By the way what is visual arts, and um what do we do in engineering?" I ask.

She looks at me surprised. "Didn't you have these things at your old school?" she asks. We stop in front of the english class room.

"No, at public school they only had band and avid," I say embarrassed. We walk in to the classroom.

"Well, visual arts is just theater and photography mostly. In engineering we just take things apart, rebuild it, we have an auto mechanic month coming up soon as well." she says surprised I had gone to public school before. "Robyn Fanwan is new, I am her tour guide" she says to the teacher who instructs us to sit down. "What were you going to say to Cherry" she whispers to me.

We sit at desk right next to each other. "Who's Cherry?" I ask but it clicks and she gives me a look. "Oh, right. I um, it's nothing, wanna come hang out at my house later?" I ask.

"Sure" she shrugs. I try to pay attention to the teacher but it was so boring, at least private school matched my level better. I admit that I really had to stay on track, I loved it more than my old school. I got challenged. I glance at my schedule noticing that physical education was my first period but it was label as 'Body enhancement and engagement' and biology  was my second. I was secretly glad I skipped with Ivy but would never tell her.

My next period is health class, other wise sex ed. I cringe. Lunch, then 5th period engineering, 6th period visual arts, 7th world language, and 8th math. I was dreading the rest of my day. WHY? At least it is Wednesday so it's a short day.

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