Would Rem be saddened? After the events back at Vollachia, he had concluded that it would be impossible for the old Rem to be back, especially with Louis currently not wanting to cooperate and return her memories. But, he assumes that even though she acts cold, he knew that she does truly care for him. Even though the old Rem is lost, he is happy that at least she is growing to be more independent now.

Would Roswaal pick up a shut in life and isolate himself from others? Definitely a yes. He had assumed in the past that he essentially became his tome of wisdom now. Without him, he may not know what to do anymore.

Would Petra, Otto, Garfiel, and the rest be sad? Yes, they saw him as someone to look up to and as a friend. So the answer is definitely a yes.

Several drops of tears began trickling down across his face as he thought about them. But he kept on smiling, reassuring himself that everything is going to be alright. "Everything's going to be okay, right?" he said to himself, between tears and quiet sobs.

"If Subaru cries like that even Betty wouldn't know what would happen to them, I suppose. What a hopeless contractor you are, in fact."

Subaru turned his head around to look at the source of the voice. Beatrice was reading a book borrowed from Beacon's library, playing with her hair as she said those words. He smiled and slid his wheeled chair to her immediately, catching her attention.

"What, I suppose?"

Suddenly, Subaru pounced onto her and gave her a tight hug. It earned him a squeal from Beatrice, who was begging for him to get off of her, hitting his back as she resisted. "Thank you, Beako. I know everything's going to be okay now because of you." He said as he released her from the hug, smiling as he wiped his tears away.

"What did Betty do to earn a surprise hug from her Subaru, I suppose? Betty only said so to comfort you, in fact. Betty does not know of their livelihoods even if Subaru did not cry." She responded.

"I know Beako, I know. But thanks anyways!" He replied, cheerfully smiling while giving a thumbs up, making her smile a little at his antics.

"Betty's Subaru is easily swayed by minor words of encouragement, I suppose." She remarked

"That is pretty much correct, yes." He said before looking towards the window, the sun shining bright on a beautiful Sunday morning, Beatrice focused on her book. His expression calmed, face relaxed with a small smile, "Time sure flies fast huh. It's been a month or so right?"

"Betty guesses so too, in fact. Subaru has made new friends that Betty does not even care about except for that Ruby girl and her gang of friends, I suppose"

"It's quite a different life for us huh? With these classes and an almost post apocalyptic world setting, it's honestly surprising how drastic the differences are!"

"Betty agrees. Though these creatures of Grimm are no match for Betty and her contractor, in fact!"

He chuckled, head patting her before responding. "If you say so, Beako."

As he released his hand from her, she asked a question, her head down and tone of voice softened. "Are you sure that you are alright now?"

"That's quite sudden of you to ask! But, yeah, I'm pretty OK! If you're by my side, we can face anything just like you said!"

"You haven't experienced any of these panic attacks, I suppose?"

Subaru quiets down after hearing those words. His explanation of his trauma to her was somewhat of a half-truth. But, he felt glad that at least she understood him.

"N-no, and I wish I didn't in the first place! But no, not yet, I'll sign you if I did"

"Betty will hold your hand if you are afraid, I suppose. Don't be afraid to ask for Betty and other's help, in fact"

[Discontinued] Yet Another World (Re:ZeroxRWBY) Where stories live. Discover now