Sugar ain't so Sweet

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TW Child Abuse


April 5, 1764

Thirteen walked into his room and saw Quebec. Thirteen crossed his arms as Quebec jumped up from where he sat on the bed.

"Thirteen! Papa wants to talk to you." He said, "Where were you anyways?"

'Thankfully, I'm not teaching British East Florida English.'

'He's trying, that's all we asked.'

"Where is Father?" Thirteen asked, avoiding the question. His father frowned upon his relationship with his Irish uncle, and Thirteen knew that if Britain found out they had been spending time together again, he would be in a lot of trouble.

Last time, Thirteen was so bruised that he had trouble getting out of bed.

'That's why we're sneaky about it now. We can't get in trouble if we aren't caught.'

'I still feel bad about lying, though.'

"He's in his study. He wants to inform you of some new acts created by Parliament that are going to affect you since you were...acting weird about the last act that he made for you," Quebec explained.

Thirteen nodded as he internally groaned. He guessed he didn't get away with that questioning as well as he thought he had.

'What's with the new acts anyway? Britain doesn't normally make this many at once.'

'Yeah, normally he just ignores us–when it comes to governing. This is new.'

'It'll be fine. We just keep our mouths shut, nod, and get out.'

Thirteen thanked Quebec and then walked down the hall, heading to his father's study, wondering what would be introduced in this new act. Was it a tax? Something like the Proclamation Line? Reorganization of the colonies?

'I hope it's not the last one.'

The last one worried Thirteen and reminded him too much of his now-deceased little brother, New England. Thirteen missed New England, although less than he used to. His people had moved on, which meant he had to also.

Thirteen reached his father's study and knocked on the door. Father didn't like people barging into his study, which was a private place for him.

"Who is it?" He called out.

"Thirteen. Quebec said you needed me?" Thirteen responded.

"I do. Please come in." Thirteen opened the door and walked into his father's study. It had a large desk in the center, and one of the walls had a large bookshelf that went from floor to ceiling. The wall behind his father had a massive map of the known world, and the last wall had a larger window that overlooked the garden, where Thirteen could see his Uncle Wales and Uncle England talking to one another.

Talking was generous. Thirteen decided as he processed the expressions of the figures. His Uncle Wales looked like he wanted to take off even more of Uncle England's fingers.

'I wonder what they are fighting about?'

Thirteen's father was reading over some papers, perhaps the legislation Quebec had told Thirteen about.

"Hello, Thirteen. Where were you? Quebec couldn't find you and assumed you might have been in the colonies," Father asked.

"I was." Thirteen lied, careful to keep his voice even. Thirteen did enjoy walking through different cities in his land and talking to his people. They came from many places, and their opinions were always interesting.

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