Chapter 11: Please, I'll Do Anything

Start from the beginning

"Yes Alpha" they say in unison

We just get out the door and the one next to us opens too and out stumbles Jesse. Looking hot as sin. I give myself a mental face slap to snap out of those thoughts. He doesn't look happy either. I try to shrink away out of sight behind Alpha with Mark right behind me, who places his hands on my shoulders to keep me still and I hear a deep rumble from Jesse. I peek up at his face and see he's gritting his teeth and looks tense. Like he's ready to pounce. And although I'd love to see that. I'd also like to have him pounce on me. Where the fuck do these thoughts keep coming from.

"Good morning Alpha Jesse. Were you visiting your brother? IT-err it seems that I have to get these 2 to the infirmary. And have a word with them. They've been fighting about mating with Alpha Darren and advance's towards you, you see. She hit the mirror which smashed and has caused a lot of cuts, Remi has a few burns from a freshly made coffee. You know how women can be about mating an Alpha. Iv already explained to Remi that Alpha Darren has marked her as his and you've got more important things to worry about then more women throwing themselves at you. So if you'll excuse us." How easily the lies come to him. I'd slit Darren's throat before I'd ever fight over him. Well unless it was for the privilege of killing him. I think I'd fight for that. and as soon as I can get my hands on something that will burn this mark off, I'll do just that. Jesse also growls when the mark is mentioned. Yeah you and me both.

"Yes. I was visiting my brother. If you'd let me help escort-"

"Of course. Remi. Alpha Jease would like to help you to the infirmary." He knows full well I was who he meant, what's gonna come out his mouth next. I shake my head and look down.

"I actually meant the other youn-"

"Oh that won't do. Alpha Darren has already made the claim as you can see and she has agreed so it's best if you dont" my eyes shoot to him in fury. Over my dead body would I ever agree!

"I remember you saying but I ins-"

"Alpha Darren Is where I am taking her after tending to her wounds. He and his wolf won't take kindly to seeing another male with or touching her now I'm afraid, other than me as I'm her Alpha. And she wouldn't want to upset him. Right?"
He says that sharp and snappy, it's not even a question he expects me to disagree with, but oh well might as well go all in. I just shrug my shoulders. I see him try to repress a smirk but I catch it. I like his face better that way.

Where has this behaviour come from? Does it have something to do with him thinking I'm his mate? Alphas giving me death glares, I can feel them. I look up slowly and though I can feel the command on the brink of breaking, I'm not quite there yet. I need a bit more strength to push through.

"We really should be going. I'm sorry but you will either escort Remi or find someone else. I must deal with her now before she bleeds all over the place" And I'm hauled away from him.

When I turn round to take one last look because if Alpha doesn't kill me first, I am leaving as soon as possible. And I don't want to forget what he looks like. Even if he was mistaken I can pretend he was my mate. I memorise everything about him i can. He's tall with dark brown hair and brown eyes that hold anger and worry right now, eyebrows scrunched downward, his lips compressed together forming a tight line. The way he leans towards me. With his sculpted by the gods body. He's wearing another long-sleeved top the colour of grass, light blue jeans that hang low on his hips. I can see his tattoos peaking out and I'd love nothing more than to trace every single inch of him not just the tattoos.

I start to feel an immense sadness at the thought of never seeing him again, of never seeing him smile. I want to be the reason he smiles or laughs, Like it's something I'm supposed to do, not walk away, but go to him. I hate Alpha for putting this stupid Contraption on my wrist. That will be the first thing I try to get off even if I have to break my hand to do it. It's making him and me feel a bond that isn't real. And it hurts more than anything these arsholes have ever done to me.

I see that Remi has stopped him from following, seeing this Alpha hurry's in getting me to wherever he's taking me. Which turns out to be my old room, the basement. He slams the door behind us and locks it. Pushing me I go tumbling down the stairs. I hear a few creeks and snaps, I think the fall broke my arm and ankle. He gets to me fast and pulls me up by my hair.

"How fucking dare you disrespect me infront of the King." I get a punch to the face, its such an impact that I hit the floor again and he still has some of my hair in his hand. His nostrils are flaring, lips in a snarl, he almost looks like one of thoes comic bulls with steam coming out of his nose and ears. Iv really done it this time. He's gonna kill me. He goes over to a special cupboard, one he's only ever been in once befor. Back when I was just a pup. I start to cower away. He can't possibly, not again. It's only supposed to be used on feral's, rogue's, criminals. I'm none of thoes things. And it almost killed me the first time.

"Let's see how you behave after this. Start being obedient IT. I have accepted Alpha Darren's terms to mate you. Which is lucky as if I hadn't and then saw that mark I'd have killed him. I get all hours access whenever I please and been given permission to open a permanent portal into the room he will keep you in, for easy travel. So you will still be seeing alot of me."

"Alpha please, I don't know what came over me. You know she's jealous of the attention you give me and is upset about Jesse not wanting her. She wants you all to herself really. Please don't do this to me again. I almost died the la-"


"Soon to be?? But I thought you-"

"Who gave you permission to think?! It certainly wasn't me. And if this doesn't kill you. I suggest being submissive in the future. You might not survive a 3rd time."

He comes over to me with the death collar. It's made of magical silver. Has many different techniques to cause the wearer as much harm and damage as they see fit. When he used it on me the first time. The silver burnt my neck and forced me to not shift. It would only just let me breath and if I did as I was told he would expand it by the thinnest amount like a piece of paper or tighten it if I didn't, its hard to do anything you can bearly breath.

He starved me for a month and the fucking thing electrocuted me, randomly and would last from anywhere between 3 and 10 minutes. It's excruciating and what can kill you. Add in all the Injections it can administrator and thoes are designed to hurt.

"Please. I'll do anything I don't want that on me again. Please Alpha. Pleeeeaase"


I try to get away from him but he waits till I'm cornered kicks me in the stomach, making me double over. He then snaps the collar into place. When I can breath again I try to pry it apart even though I know it's no use. He then says the command for the electrocution and my whole body tenses up and I drop like a sack of potatoes to the floor almost biting my toung off and cracking my head on the floor. He then leaves it going untill he has silver chains attached to my wrists and ankles.

Fuck this is indescribable, he presses a button that pulls the chains in, so my body is dragged across the stone cold floor till I'm suspended above the ground then there pulled taut, so I can't move. He releases the shock and I breath rapidly from the strain.

"Now I'm going to leave you here. I'll be back just after the hunt starts to set you off to be mated. I hope you learn you lesson"

"P-p.....please. I-i I c-can't take this."

"Sure you can. You have befor and you will now. And you have your strength as someone seems to have healed your back enough and when I find out who they will regret it. Infact, let's undo all there efforts shall we."

A tear escapes my eye. It's no use he won't listen. I pray this doesn't kill me.

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