Chapter 14: Car accident Part 2

Start from the beginning

"Yes," he simply answers looking down, feeling ashamed. 

There's a knock on the door and everyone stiffens. A big, fit man wearing a suit with a gun strapped at his side steps in. "Your father wants you all at the dinner table; diner's ready," he announces.

"We'll be down in a minute," Lola tells him and he leaves.

"I will explain everything later, I promise. But now, we need to go down and eat, or my father will be pissed. Please try to act normal. He won't harm you, I swear. And I'll be with you all the time," Sam tells me grabbing my hand, but I push him away and walk out of the room.

 I don't know if is the anger build up inside of me, but I feel brave and not scared of Sam's dad at all. I walk down and I sit down at the table, like the rest, and we start to eat. During dinner, Sam's father asks me a lot of questions about me and my family. I answer some of them honestly, and the ones I feel like I'm giving away too much information or information that might put my family at risk, I lie. 

After dinner, Samuel accompanies me to the door to say goodbye. "It was truly a pleasure meeting you. You're welcomed anything time, beautiful," Samuel tells me, kissing my hand. I feel really uncomfortable. I want to scream at him and tell him he is a monster, but I would probably end up dead. Samuel heads back inside and Sam accompanies me to my car.

"Don't worry about your dad. You have my word, nothing will happen to him," Sam tells me reassuringly, but I have a hard time believing him. I just get in my car without saying anything. "We will talk tomorrow," he adds before I drive away.

 Tears start streaming down my face. Oh, this has been a really long day. I haven't cried this much in a long time. Everyone kept telling me Sam's family was dangerous, even Sam and Lola told me but I never thought they would be killers. Now I know how Sam and Lola have all that money. Drug dealer-assassin family does it. I don't think I'd be able to shut an eye all night.

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"Daddy, daddy!" Lisa runs to my dad and kisses him happily. "You look like a pirate."

"Hi, sweetie," my dad greets her with a kiss on her forehead. "I know, right? Don't I look cool?"

"Yes," Lisa answers in her kiddy voice staring at my dad's eye bandage.

"Didn't I tell you not to miss class today?" my dad scolds me as he kisses my forehead too.

"Yes, but you know I'm not good at following orders," I grin.

"Stubborn like always," my dad says.

"Hello, my beautiful people," Jake steps into the room and kisses my cheek. Then, lifts up Lisa as if she weighed nothing. "Feeling better?" he asks my dad.

"Much better, thanks for asking," my dad answers smilingly. He does look considerably better. "You too missed class today?"

"You know I'm always looking for an excuse to not go to school, what better than checking up on my second best father?" Jake tells him.

"What would I do without you, kids?" my dad sighs.

"I love you!" my sister exclaims happily and hugs dad.

"Aww," I mutter. 

We three launch over my father and hug him. After hanging in the hospital for a while, we decide to head home; Jake heads over to Sarah's and I go home. I make my sister something to eat and then, I go sit on the couch. I turn on the T.V to distract myself from thinking.

"Uhh....... H-Hi," Sam stutters nervously, scratching the back of his neck. "Your sister let me in. Can we talk?"

I nod and pat on the couch for him to sit down. I guess spending the day with my dad and seeing him considerably better helped me calm down a little. And I want to give him a chance to explain himself. 

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