Yet another midnight MLB theoryish thing

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So I think some people actually know that Ladybug is Marinette and vise versa. For example, her parents.

I'm pretty sure her parents are normal parents who go into their kids rooms to "clean up" (That's right, we know your just snooping) and if they are, how would they not find a giant egg shaped lady big print covered miraculous box hidden in her room somewhere? And also, you mean to tell me they haven't gone up those stairs to check if she was alright during an akuma attack? Or see/hear her transform. They are right down the stairs, they are bound to hear something. 

I think Luka also knows that she is Ladybug. Okay well, he might not be certain but I'm pretty sure he has a hunch that Mari = Ladybug. Luka is the smartest of them all. He could probably tell that they are the same because HAIR COLOR, EYE COLOR, VOICE NEED I SAY MORE?!

I also think that some of the staff in Chloe's hotel know. How I know this you ask? Security cameras. How could they not have security cameras. Do you realize how many times she has transformed in places that there could be security cameras? TOO MANY PLACES THATS HOW MANY.

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