“Preview of later” He whispered in my ear.

“Go, go now before everyone gets show.” He bounced his eyebrows up and down and looked around; everyone was watching us, including the principal, who looked pissed.

“See you after hun.” He gave me another quick kiss and took off for the auditorium to meet up with my family.

“Sorry Ellis” I heard Amos mumble.

I looked back at him and smiled “Maybe next time you will think before you talk Amos.”

“Won’t be making that mistake again.” He rolled his eyes and then looked down to the floor.

We heard the announcer calling for us to enter the auditorium and slowly we all filed in, taking our seats. After listening to the valedictorian and everyone else giving their long and drawn out speeches, it was finally time.

One by one, we all walked up to the stage, were handed our diplomas, shook the hands of everyone there and had our pictures taken. As I walked up onto the stage, I heard my name being shouted and I felt my face redden when I looked into the audience and saw my entire family, standing along with Raven’s family.

I again took my seat and shook my head at how embarrassing my family is. I could not wait for them to get to Thomas Zimmermann so that I can get out of here.

The last of the names were called and we all threw our caps into the air, marking the end of an era, I was now a high school graduate. 

That night, Alpha Marcus took us all out for dinner at the nicest steakhouse in town. My parents offered to pay for ours, but Alpha insisted and you never turn down an offer from him.

As much as I wanted to be able to revel in being able to spend time with Mathias before the wedding, that was not happening. There was so much we had to get organized and finished. Before I knew it, it was our wedding day.

It was also the first morning that I woke up and didn’t feel like getting sick, it was starting out great. My mom Sandra came into my room and just stared at me as I was getting my hair done by Raven, she was curling it all and pinning it so that it looked natural as the wedding was being held outside in the backyard of the pack house.

“You look so beautiful Ellis, I can’t believe that you are getting married in a couple hours.” She then stepped in front of me and looked me right in the eyes. “Raven, can you give us a minute?”

“Um… sure, just let me know when I can come back in, I have a lot of work to do on her hair yet.” She gave me a questioning look in the mirror and I shrugged my shoulder back at her.

Once she had left the room, my mom gently took my hand in hers and again looked at me. “Ellis honey, you know I love you and that I would do anything for you, but are you sure that this is what you want?”

I had to give myself a moment to realize what she had just asked me, when it hit me, it was like an atomic bomb. I pulled my hand away from her and got up from the chair I was sitting in. My jaw went slack and I tried to find words, but nothing was coming out. I wanted to yell at her, to tell her that she was crazy to think that I wouldn’t want this. I wanted to just scream at her that she had no idea what she was talking about, but instead, I walked to the door and opened it.

I stood there for a good 30 seconds before I swung my arm in front of me, telling her to leave.

“Ellis, it was only a question. I know that you love Mathias, but don’t you think that you are moving too fast. You are already having a baby and getting married. Don’t you think that you should step back and think about all of this?”

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