25. Blood In, Blood Out

Start from the beginning

"He was angry," I remind him, touching his arm. "And he didn't mean that. It sounds to me like you don't trust what he's telling you."

He gazes down at me for a minute, then sighs and relaxes his shoulders. "I don't."


"I mean, I know he's telling me the truth," he amends hastily. "But he's not telling me everything."

"He also said that your mom died to save you and that she had a difficult past with the mafia. I'm pretty sure he's just trying to protect you."

He pouts. "I don't need protecting."

"Now you're just being stubborn."

He looks me up and down like I've got some nerve. Then, surprising me, he smacks my butt and turns around, leaning his palms on the counter. He hasn't done that in a while. Just like that the roguish, arrogant Jason I know is back. Secretly I'm relieved - we have too much at stake tonight for him to be troubled.

"You damn right I'm stubborn," he says. His jaw works like he's thinking about something. "And determined. I'll find out what I wanna know on my own - and if my dad doesn't like it, I'll just remind him that he wanted me to figure it out by myself. That means my way."

I notice something diabolical about this and narrow my eyes. "Jason," I say cautiously. "What did you do?"

I see a smirk tug at his lips. "What are you talking about?" he asks.

"What unimaginable thing have you done to rebel against your dad this time?"

He chuckles. "Relax. The only thing I've disobeyed him about is getting back in here. He wants me to start practicing nonstop again. I'm probably a little rusty anyway."

"Nah. You don't need any practice."

"Neither do you. Seriously, what am I here for? You tryna show me up?"

I shrug modestly and dip my head. "No, of course not. You're the best teacher."

"You're my favorite student," he replies, eyeing me like he wants to teach me something else. I don't know what about me is driving him crazy, but his gaze lingers.

"How are you feeling?" I ask. "About tonight?"

He only shrugs, looking anxious.

"C'mon, don't tell me you're having second thoughts."

"No. I'm just a little nervous."

"About me?"

"About everything. This is the end. It's my last chance to prove myself to these people; I've gotta live up to all the hype. If something goes wrong tonight it'll be my biggest fuck-up yet."

I squeeze his hand. "Babe, nothing's gonna go wrong tonight. You've planned every detail perfectly. You know the only thing you have left to worry about?"

"Whether or not the Wreckers are gonna show up?"

"Oh, don't worry about that. They'll be there." I recount my conversation with Nina to him.

He considers. "What's up with the nursery rhymes?"

"I don't know," I say, trying not to let it bother me all over again. "She confuses me. I haven't done anything to deliberately spite her, but it's not like I like her. Then she acts like she hates me... and does things that make me wonder. Way back when, she stopped the street fight because the gun was freaking me out. After that she warned me that the Wreckers were gonna do something bad. And I've noticed that when we're all together she looks uncomfortable, like she doesn't agree with what the Wreckers are doing. What does that mean?"

BANGERZ 2: WORST BEHAVIOR (2015)Where stories live. Discover now