Theory - Part two

Start from the beginning

"Lan Zhan~" Wei Wuxian grinned, gently tapping on Lan Wangji's clothed chest with a hand. "Your ears are red!"

On pure instinct alone, Lan Wangji covered his ears with both of his hands, much to Wei Wuxian's amusement. "You're so cute!"

Lan Wangji tried to ignore the way Wei Wuxian's words made his heart FALL out of his chest, laying out bare for all to see. 'Xiongzhang, so this is what you were talking about..!!'

As Wei Wuxian inched closer and closer, Lan Wangji was overcome with a foreign feeling... He wanted to pull Wei Wuxian into his arms, cover him with his outer robes, and hide him away from the world... he wanted to bring him back to Cloud Recess, where he is safe,  and hide him away

"Lan Zhan!" Wei Wuxian cried breathlessly. His worried eyes were soon overcome with relief as Lan Wangji recovered. "Lan Zhan, you spaced out for a while there! That really scared me, you know..."


"It's not your fault," Wei Wuxian woefully smiled. "I was getting into your personal space, I know.. It was just supposed to be a joke, but I'd understand if you are angry at me..."

"Not angry," Lan Wangji shook his head before taking Wei Wuxian's hand in his and beginning to walk to the shore. "Come. Let's eat."

"Okay," Wei Wuxian replied, reaching for his clothes and beginning to dress himself. "Do you know of the best inn within Caiyi Town? In Yunmeng, there's one that sells the best wine ever–though I'm sure it can't be compared to Emperor's Smile."

"Well..." Lan Wangji muttered. "Perhaps I know of one..."

* * *

"Um," Wei Wuxian blinked. "What's this, Lan Zhan?"

"For you," Lan Wangji said as he once more pushed the jar of Emperor's smile across the table.

"But, Lan Zhan, isn't alcohol forbidden in Cloud Re-"

"Not in Cloud Recess right now," Lan Wangji refuted with a proud gaud. He thought back to his brother's words, and then nodded in confirmation. "Yes, it is fine."

'Wangji,' Lan Xichen spoke with a serious tone, hands clasped as he glanced at his brother across the table. 'Take note of everything Young Master Wei likes. For example, I know that he likes eating. So take him out to eat. Something like that.'

Lan Wangji once again nodded as he took a cup and poured Wei Wuxian a serving of Emperor's Smile. Wei Ying likes drinking alcohol, he noted, so drink it he shall!

"Lan Zhan," Wei Wuxian's eyes moistened at the kind gesture. "Does that mean we are friends now?"

Lan Wangji nodded with an ecstatic smile that he so desperately tried to push down. 'Xiongzhang, it worked...!!'

Wei Wuxian asked, "Friends... who would exchange notes in class?"

Lan Wangji nodded.

"Friends... who would hunt pheasants together?"

After much hesitation, Lan Wangji nodded.

"Friends... who would exchange yellow books?!" [1]

Lan Wangji was too shocked to reply, and before he even knew it, Wei Wuxian was convulsing into hysterical laughter, clutching his chest as he chortled. "Hahaha, Lan Zhan! You should see your face, hahaha!!"

Lan Wangji was well aware that his ears were red, so he reached out to take a sip of water in order to hide his embarrassment. It was that moment when a waiter came forward with a tray, placing down a porcelain jug and two plates of food. "Your food and water, Young Masters."

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