Loona Gets Into The Doghouse

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Bendy: Blitz, move your ass! You're falling behind!

Currently, Bendy and Blitz had taken a job together to take down a pimp for their newest client. The demon in question was a stripper that was trafficked as a sex slave by said pimp and killed herself via overdose of crack. The two were running for their lives by the pimp's pack of dobermans as Bendy hopped a fence.

Blitz: Uh...Bendy, a little help!

He looked back to see the tall imp hanging from the fence, his coat caught on one of the metal spikes. He let out an annoyed groan and quickly rushed to his aid.

Bendy: You really need to rethink your clothing choice. This is why I like working with Moxxie or Millie.

Blitz: Ow, you don't have to rub in like that just because you got the limp dick and his southern belle stereotype in your little brothel. And this coat was a gift from my sister Barbie, thank you very much. Plus it makes the outfit pop, don't you think?

Bendy: Just fucking hold still!

With one quick pull, Bendy managed to tear him loose, just in time for the two of them to trip into an opening portal. Meanwhile, Loona stepped aside just in time to dodge the landing.

Loona: *sips some coffee* Let me guess, his coat got caught again?

Bendy: Yes...and I landed on my keys. His weight isn't helping either. *looks to Blitz* You okay, boss man?

Blitz: Look what you did! I just had this damned thing tailored last week!

Loona: It's nothing to yell over, we've all told you the length of that coat was dangerous since day one.

Blitz: You all are no help when it comes to fashion, you know that? Especially you, Bendy. You wear the same thing every goddamn day.

Bendy looked at his boss as he used his pen to dispense white-out, fading out the blood and restored his outfit with his pen.

Bendy: That's because I'm a cartoon. And the third law of Animator's Anecdotes is...

He pulls a book out of his pocket. He opens it and puts on a pair of reading glasses.

Bendy: 'No character shall have an everchanging wardrobe, due to being able to have the viewer fall in love with the original outfit AKA base design.' Besides, you got off scott-free.

Blitz: You're joking right?! My whole back feels sticky and you ruined my coat! My sister gave me this when I left the circus before she went into rehab! Speaking of work, I'm surprised you're not manning the phones, Loonie. Something up?

Loona: Well I needed a hunt, so I had Moxxie cover me while I took care of a job.

Blitz: WHAT?! No no no no no no no. You are NOT going up there! It's dangerous! There are rapists....and fetish artists!

Bendy: Look Blitz, hellhounds need to hunt once a month so they don't go crazy. How about I go with her?

Blitz: Hmm....well that depends on Loonie.

Loona: Sure, I don't mind. I've always wanted to see Bendy in action.

Blitz: Well,...okay then. *looks at Bendy* If I see a single scratch on her when you get back, I'll wear your skin and FUCK your little princess. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to find a damn sewing kit.

Blitz walked off as Bendy rolled his eyes. He walked with Loona to the meeting room as she searched for the chalk to draw the portal rune.

Bendy: Y'know, this'll be fun. I've always went out with Blitz or nowadays mostly with just Mox and Mills. Y'know, the whole 5 people relationship and all.

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