Operation: Heartsplint

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On a rooftop in a city of Arkansas, Bendy and Moxxie were watching the entrance to a warehouse where their target, a drug lord who was very notorious in the game, was meeting for his next deal.

Moxxie: Okay, he's coming out. Round?

Bendy reached into the duffle bag Moxxie brought and pulled out a box of bullets to hand to the imp.

Bendy: Round.

He loaded the bullet into the sniper rifle he was holding and held out his hand again.

Moxxie: Scope?

Bendy: Scope.

He placed the scope on top of the rifle and put his eye through it, holding his hand out again.

Moxie: Cherry Pepsi?

Bendy: *retches* Cherry Pepsi.

Bendy handed him a can of said beverage with a straw sticking out. Drinking a little bit, he set the can down and looked through the scope again. After a little bit, he pulled the trigger and released a loud BANG. From the rooftop, the two demons saw the drug lord slump to his knees and fall onto the cement, dead and bleeding from the head. The two goons screamed, but stopped as they looked at the rooftop where Moxxie and Bendy were.

Moxie: Uh, c-can they see us?

Bendy: Relax, Mox. We're wearing dark clothes. I'm pretty sure we're practically invisible.

Bendy was proven wrong as a bullet shot into his head and disappeared. He shifted his tongue in his mouth and spat out the bullet, no coated in translucent black saliva.

Bendy: Okay, maybe they can see us.


The two descended down a nearby fire escape and ran into an alley. The two goons soon chased after them, firing bullets along the way.

Moxxie: Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck! We're gonna die!

Bendy was trying to think of a plan as he spotted another alley with a door on one of the walls. Without explanation, he grabbed Moxxie by the collar of his shirt and dragged him into the alley, opening the door and rushing inside.

After catching their breath, they stood and searched the place they were in. It looked like a 1950's style diner.

Moxie: Hmm. I guess these types of places are still open in the Human World.

Bendy: I'm not sure, Mox. Something about this place seems awfully familiar.

???: What's going on down here?!

The two yelped as the lights came on and turned to the source of the voice. It was a woman with brown curly hair, with some prominent streaks of grey. She had a very beautiful figure, decorated with a good amount of wrinkles on her face. She was still wearing her work uniform, consisting of a light blue blouse, white apron, and paper hat.

Woman: If you came here for a meal, sorry to tell ya, we're about to close.

Bendy: Wait...Marge? Is that you?

The woman, named Marge, looked in surprise as the Ink Demon. Her eyes light up in discovery as her mouth formed into a wavering smile.

Marge: Ben?

Bendy smiled as she gave the old woman a firm hug as Moxxie looked in confusion.

Moxie: Bendy, do you know this woman?

Marge: Bendy? Like your little cartoon character?

Bendy: *chuckles* That's kinda my new name now, since I'm in Hell. This is one of my co-workers, Moxxie. Mox, this is Marge. My wife and I would come here for dates before we married.

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