Chapter I

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A young boy around the age of seven, or maybe older was running down the path of the Starting City on Floor 1. He had that uncomfortable look on his face, like any thieve would have while running away from the cops. But Akashi Seijurou was not running from anyone, infact, to be more precise, he was not being chased at all. Instead, he was running from this world - a world which had turned out to be so wrong after the real launch of the game.

A young boy like him had not imaged a game like this to be life-threatening; this was a survival nightmare. He didn't even like the fact that the adults were all suicidal. Every men or women he ever tried to ask of help from this place were all trying to kill themselves. And for the past four days, he had been experiencing the same sight over and over again. Plenty of the players have died in front of him, and all he ever wanted to do was to run away from that.

He had not realised that he had gone far from his running until he reached the edge of the city.

The road from where he was standing led towards a field that stretches far beyond what he could see. Eventually, all he had was a weapon shaped like a dagger but was long enough to be called a sword. He remembered well how to use it, because it was the same man who showed him how, that died in front of his eyes.

He looked around for a long while before noticing a wild boar ahead. The boar had already noticed his presence when he had decided to turn away, and as expected, it was charging down his way. At that very moment, his reactions were a little too slow to avoid the boar, and eventually, the animal had crashed onto him.

He flew a few feet back and dropped on his back. His HP plate floated above his head depleted slowly when he looked at it.

He panicked.

No, he thought to himself. Am I gonna die like this?

The wild boar turned its hideous snout at him again for the second time. And from that moment on, he knew.

He, Akashi Seijurou was going to survive. He will not allow anything or anyone stand in his way.

This will not do, he will not let this game be the death of him.

Suddenly remembering every single lessons he had had in fencing, he pointed his blade at the beast and swung it upwards like how he would do in all of his winning matches. The beast crashed into the ground and broke like shattering glass.

And thus, the Emperor of SAO was born.

(Rewriting) Akashi Seijurou, the Emperor of Sword Art OnlineWhere stories live. Discover now