Chapter 167: Sharp Silver

Start from the beginning

Calista, however, stiffened ever so slightly when a faint chiming sounded. Looking up, she noticed a small bell by the lamp for the very first time. The one the guests used to call for room service.


"Heh, move aside." One of the puppets by the man with the scarred forehead proclaimed, brandishing his weapon. "If it's a sword, I'll go."

Calista snapped out of her thoughts, and shoved Yona behind her. "Move!!"

Steel sliced through the air and her eyes widened in horror.

Oh f—

She pushed the princess out of the way but she wasn't fast enough.

"Gah!!" She grimaced as the sword grazed her right shoulder, wincing as it cut deep.

Well, that's unfortunate.

"Calista!!" Yona cried out in alarm.

"I'm fine." She said quickly, attempting to amend the situation before it reached his ears.

She wasn't successful.

Calista and Hiyou froze at the same time but for entirely different reasons. While ice-cold dread filled her body, a smile of pure greed formed on his face.

"Well... isn't this an unexpected surprise." Hiyou drew out smoothly, his voice echoing in the empty hall. "The puppet has a name."

"I'm not a puppet." Calista hissed angrily.

The flames in the lamp illuminating the space flickered as though unseen evil was brewing.

Damn it, he's fast. She cursed in her head, glaring at the one now responsible for blood dripping down her arm.

It was surface level at best. She would be fine.

Yona's expression crumbled as droplets of crimson stained the wooden floor. "I—"

"Not your fault." Calista gritted out through clenched teeth, harrowed silver eyes calculating her next move.

They were cornered.

Ayura was covering Lili but she wouldn't be enough to hold them back from reaching her if Hiyou signaled his men to rush at them. And she herself couldn't get to the injured risking Yona's life.

Shoot... Calista cursed inside her head, grip tightening on her blades.

With a heavy sigh, she sheathed them.

Yona's facial features contorted in bewilderment. "Wha..."

But she trailed off as she noticed the look of determination on the assassin's face.

Without wavering, Calista took step after step forward until she was staring right up at Hiyou.

He waved off his drug puppets and men that sought to stop her from reaching him, a wicked gleam in his eye as she approached.

Her skin crawled at that look but she forced herself to stand her ground. Curbing the urge to bash his head in and kick him where the sun doesn't shine, she discreetly slipped her left hand behind her back and grasped something tucked in her sash.

A lone breeze blew stray strands of her raven hair back, rustling her mask but she stood fast, never once breaking eye contact.

"Hmmm, so you're Notch." Hiyou mused aloud, something akin to envy simmering in his cold gaze. "I hear you're strong, my dear."

"Do not call me as such unless you desire to have your head removed from your shoulders." Calista threatened icily.

There was only one person she would tolerate that kind of address from, even when she couldn't stand his flirty nature and velvety smooth words.

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