Chapter 27: Part 2

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Svolok crawled on frozen cement, needing to rip his flesh anew every time he tried to lift an arm or leg off the Walmart roof. He crawled away from the crater in the center of the roof, where the riastrad magic that possessed Calxor Bakkus and the wendigo-torngat magic of Nocome thundered and screamed.

The skinwalker had whipped out a second dagger made of shaman bone but had been starting to freeze already. Bruja was ready for a sudden takeover, but not for a takeover on one of Nocome's old feeding grounds, and though the skinwalker had changed into something small and slippery and tried to hop away, dropping the blade, she had been locked solid a moment later.

After that the roof had erupted and Calxor's huge mouth and mangled limbs had come out to catch the vogelfrei's changing body, which was now taller and thinner and greyer, stretching the black armor and shredding even the fext hide from within. The skin went from grey to glassy, showing black blood and yellow tendons beneath. Cold claws were humming at the ends of the vogelfrei's hands, and the left palm was no longer consumed by the Indian venom.

This chill was beyond the venom's burn, beyond the reach of any lust-magic.

With her new host's talons Nocome smote Calxor's face, and she ripped half of his head into tatters, twisting the lump upon the swollen neck more than all the way around. Both of his eyes were now dangling outside his opened skull, along with his tongue and disembodied snapping jaws - but they did not cease their rage. He tore his left arm free of the keloid-tumor-muscle mass that had bound it to his left thigh and slashed with a large shard of his own mutated femur twirling, clipping the still-growing Nocome at her side, making her stumble with green fire leaking out.

(that killed Christ, but I am not Christ)

The vogelfrei was not completely gone, or completely powerless and senseless.

(before the big lug goes, we should have an enriching appetizer)

Svolok got to his feet, looked up, and saw Nocome already above him, wearing the vogelfrei's shape as transparently as his own see-through skin.

Svolok's eyes rolled down in confusion, and he noticed that his lower jaw was already gone, the elongated arm thrust down his throat already retracting with its prize, clutching his vampire heart.


Before the disintegrating Svolok or the Shorn One could react, Nocome fed. In Cleveland, the Shorn One leapt from his chair at the table of nobles and raced through the conference room door, pushing it open so hard it bit into the wall. He threw himself into the fireplace just in time, his colorful cloak catching fast, before the psychic link between sire and sired could be used by the northern monster.

(no chance to puppet him and attack the elders, but yes feed here upon Calxor FEED FEED)

Svolok was not dead. For the vogelfrei alone he could have never been a safe meal, with possession guaranteed even if the bastard did overpower his body and eat his heart. He was an Otomi, trained in this form of combat along with many others - but Nocome was beyond him and almost anyone else awake on this continent, and she was squeezing him hard.

(all he knows little and big who what where when why and how)

Nocome had struck with raw power first. Now she could take a proper fighting stance, something like krav maga but sharper, not borrowed from mere men. She had taught the vogelfrei much, but he had taught her at least one thing in their years together: how to completely and totally devour a person, how to truly take. Like a vampire.

In a heartbeat Zvera's skill with the sword was matched. Now, if only the vogelfrei could get his body back and somehow evade Bruja's poison, this Proofing could be finished properly just the way the girl wanted.

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