"Uhh! What are you laughing about, you blind Fox?!" Kyo snapped at the young man while Kenshin only continued to laugh.

"I'll believe you when I can see again." Kenshin told him teasingly as he calmed down from his laughter, only causing the boy to get even angrier at him.

"Well, this ought to be interesting. Let's see you try." Yuki told him smugly, knowing that Kyo would snap at his words.

"You girly-boy!" Kyo hissed, making cat noises.

"That didn't take long." Yuki and Shigure commented while Kenshin laughed once again at the boy, knowing that he wouldn't last with his vow.

"You freaking piss me off! Changed man or not, I'll hate you until the day I die!" Kyo ranted as Tohru tried to calm the boy down. "Go to hell!" He continued as he broke the door and walked off to school.

"And he's out. So much for him being a changed man, I guess." Shigure said with a sigh.

"Well, I don't know. I mean, at least it didn't end in a fistfight this time." Tohru said, trying to make the others believe in Kyo's words.

"Till the day you die? I'll keep on hating you from my grave, stupid Cat." Yuki said, irritated by the thought, but Kenshin could sense that the boy was acting more distant than usual and something about his demeanor also seemed to be sadder than usual.

Kenshin knew it had something to do with what had happened the night before with Kyo and his true form. He only hoped Yuki would work through it. He smiled to himself, knowing that if Yuki was going through something and it was affecting him, Haru would notice and be there for the boy.

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"Why are you going to the estate tonight?" Kenshin asked as he turned his head over to where Shigure sat. Shigure was sitting at the table reading and drinking tea while Kenshin sat on the deck with a troubled expression.

"Uh?" Shigure asked as he was caught off guard, "Oh, I just want to drop by and see how everything is going." He said innocently.

"You liar." Kenshin told him bluntly, looking away from him. "You just want to be with her." He told him as he clenched his fists, his nails digging into his skin. He didn't care if he bled or hurt himself; all he could feel at the moment was anger and bitterness overwhelming his every sense, causing him to think rashly.

"You know me so well!" Shigure said with a carefree laugh but soon stopped as he saw the dark look that had fallen over Kenshin's face.

"It must be nice being able to go see her whenever you want and do whatever you want with her while the rest of us are trapped." Kenshin said, cold bitterness drenching his voice.

Shigure stared at Kenshin, surprised by the sudden change in his behavior. He knew that the young man never let his feelings affect how he looked on the outside, but now it seemed as if he had been pushed over the edge by an unknown force.

Kenshin's body was tense, and his jaw was clenched so hard it seemed as if it would break at any moment; his eyes widened as he realized he had made his true emotions known for the first time in years. He quickly stood up and walked out of the house without thinking of anywhere specific to go; all he knew was that he had to get out before he lost the ability to do so.

Kenshin had gone into the woods where he knew he would be alone for as long as he needed to be. At the moment, he was punching a tree angrily, getting all his anger and pain out. He was sure that after he got all his rage out, his knuckles would be scraped to the bone with blood covering them.

He knew Hatori would scold him about it when he found out and had to treat him, but Kenshin didn't care; he just wanted to hit something where the only person who got hurt was him and no one else.

After a while longer Kenshin finally dropped to the ground on his knees, panting from the force and energy he had used. "Why.... does it always have to be me?" He wondered brokenly out loud as his voice cracked slightly, knowing that no one would hear him.

It took him a while longer to recompose himself before he knew he was good enough to go back to the house without anyone asking him any questions. He was still wondering what had caused him to snap like that at Shigure. Even before Shigure had told him, he had known the answer, but it still bothered him how much it angered and pained him.

Kenshin's only conclusion was that he was jealous of the man for being able to go to Akito whenever he wanted while he couldn't even set foot in the estate without his sister knowing. He was jealous of the fact that Shigure could have Akito whenever he wanted while he had to keep his distance from Kureno because it would only cause problems for the two of them.

But Kenshin quickly shoved the truth of his feelings away, not wanting to admit to himself that he was jealous of Shigure of all people.

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"I shall tell you the truth. When I received this abundance of crab, I knew in my heart that I had to give some to Yuki, and I hurried here to bestow it upon him. Not many would make such a sacrifice for their brother. But I shall, for my love has no boundaries. Whatever's the matter, Yuki? Your eyes look so distant. Wait, I understand! It's not distant at all! You are simply overcome with emotion in the face..." Ayame rambled on as Kenshin finally made it back to the house.

He let out a sigh before sitting down on the deck making sure his hands were hidden inside his pockets. "You can do it, Yuki. Stay strong." Kenshin heard Haru tell the boy trying to calm Yuki down from killing his brother.

"Guten abend!" Momiji greeted, causing Kenshin to smile softly in the boy's direction.

"Momiji! Kisa! Hatori!" Tohru greeted as the three got closer to them.

"Shigure invited us over." Hatori told them as he walked over to where Kenshin was sitting on the deck.

"Hiro-chan, too. He'll be by later" Kisa said happily.

"It's like a party!" Tohru said happily before it turned into curiosity, "Where is Shigure, though?" She asked.

"He had urgent business at the Sohma estate. We passed him on our way." Hatori told her as Kenshin's demeanor darkened slightly.

"The Sohma estate?" Tohru wondered softly.

"I can't wait until summer break is here. Then I can stay over every night!" Momiji said excitedly, causing Kyo to let out a gasp of irritation.

"Not happening! No way!" Kyo exclaimed. 

"Huh? But why not?" Momiji asked innocently, not understanding, or better said, pretending not to understand why Kyo didn't want him around. 

"How am I supposed to relax with a hyper little bunny hanging around?" Kyo asked the boy.

"Summer will be here soon. It feels... like something's going to happen. Like something's about to begin. Something important. And it's wonderful." Tohru said softly as if she were at peace with the idea.

"I'm excited, too! We're gonna do so much awesome stuff! Go to the beach. Watch fireworks. Play split-the-melon. And catch stag beetles!" Momiji told her excitedly, already having everything he wanted to do with her planned.

"Sounds great!" She told him, looking forward to what was to come.

"You guys will come, right?" Momiji asked them.

Kenshin turned his head up to the sky. He could feel that something big was about to happen to all of them, something that would change them forever. He didn't know what it was just yet, but he was going to make it his mission to find out what that feeling meant and what it meant for all of them.

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And with this Chapter Season, 1 is complete! I hope you guy's liked this book!! It was so much fun writing this story, and I want to thank all of you because your guy's support and comments gave me the confidence to keep on writing. Till next time! 🦊

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