₆ 61 Days and Counting

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It had been two months since the day you and Toji stopped seeing each other. It was hard. There were days where you missed him. But every time you see your son's smiling face, you're reminded of your priorities.

For a change, you decided to accept the elders' offer as Yaga's assistant. For almost four weeks, your job had basically been as a babysitter. You were always tasked to look after the trio. Sometimes, you helped with their training. But that's mostly it.

You couldn't deny that each of them were growing on you. They weren't hard to like. Sure they can get a little handy at times, but that was what made them fun to be around with. Each of their unique personalities contributed something to the group, making them a perfect combination.

Accepting the offer was honestly one of the best decisions you made for the past couple of weeks because it helped take your mind off Toji. Though, whenever you see the mini version of him around, you can't help but wonder how he's doing.

As for his kids, you had recently found out from Gojou about their current situation, so on some days, you would always find yourself at their house. You weren't sure if it's because of your soft spot for little kids or your motherly instincts but you somehow felt the need to check on them. Or at least make sure they were doing fine.

As a result, Tsumiki grew more fond of you just as you are of her. Megumi? Not much. The little boy's a hard shell to crack, just like his father. For a boy his age, he had an unusually complex personality. He was way mature than any six year olds you've ever met.

|10:17 AM|

"Good morning, class~ Sorry I'm a little late." You spoke with a cheery smile as you entered the classroom only to be met by three unenthusiastic faces.

Since Yaga went on a business trip for two days, you stood in as their temporary teacher, "What's with all those ugly faces? It's offensive." You remarked, walking to the teacher's desk in front of the class and leaning your butt on its edge.

"We've been sitting here for almost an hour, what took you so long?" Gojou lazily grumbled with his face on the surface of the wooden desk, "I feel like dying from being stuck in here."

"I'm barely 15 minutes late, stop being such a princess." You defended.

"Whaaat? You're lying, it feels like we've been sitting in here for at least thirty minutes." Getou complained, "Right, Ieiri?"

"I don't know, Suguru. I wasn't counting in my head." She replied.

"What are we doing today? Another mission?" Gojou asked as he sat up, stretching his long limbs.

"Most likely, we've been doing missions one after another for the whole week." Getou added with a yawn.

"I bet it's training day." The brunette joined.

"Bingo~" You clapped at her answer, "Masamichi want you guys to train until he returns."

"Ehhh?? What's the point? I'm already the strongest."

"However.." You paused as a smirk surfaced on your lips, "He's not the teacher today, I am... So.."

Gojou's face immediately lit up with excitement, waiting for the next words that was yet to come out of your mouth, "SO??" He beamed with impatience in his voice.

"It's a free d—"

"YAYYY!!" He cheered, cutting you off. And in the blink of an eye, he was already clutching his arms around you while joyfully giggling to himself, "You're officially one of my favorites."

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