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"I'm gonna find youuuu!" Your older cousin C/N howled. You dashed around the large basement searching for the perfect spot. That's when you found it. The perfect hiding spot.

There in the corner of the basement by the historical artifacts and maps sat a large black chest that your father gave to your uncle as a wedding gift. It was filled with aged art pieces and statues. There was no way C/N would find you in there.

You slowly lifted the lid on the chest and slipped your left leg into the the box then your right. 'She's never going to find me. I'm going to be the queen of hide and seek!' Once you were completely in the chest you shut the lid and prepared to be found.

It may have been pitch black in there but you would be able to handle it for a few seconds. Sitting in the Dark chest was not a concern. However seconds turned to minutes then, minutes turned to hours.

You were to young to be able lift the lid up with your own physical strength you were completely dependent on your cousin. Apparently, C/N forgot you were even playing hide-and-seek. While you were hyperventilating, passing out, and screaming she was asleep. To top it all off her parents were at work so you spent a whole hour and a half trapped with no way out.

"AAAHAHH! HELP ME PLEASE! C/N LET ME OUT!" You were banging your miniature fists on the roof of the chest. It was no use. You were trapped in the stuffy confined space. Alone.

You woke up with indescribable pain coursing all throughout your body. You glanced around the room. 'How the hell did I get her?' You asked yourself.

You sat up from the futon you were relaxing in. There was green plants in the corner of the room, bandaids and an open first aid kit was on the ground to the left side of you. "What the hell?" You muttered.

Instantly the door opened and in walked the dark and mysterious Jotaro Kujo.

You groaned in pain. "Where am I?" You asked. Your vision still cloudy from the deep slumber you experienced. "Why does it hurt so bad?"

"Good to see your finally awake. Care to explain why you were running with a sprained ankle, ripped blood stained clothes, and a limp arm."

"I- I.." You tried to remember what had happened the night before unfortunately your mind went blank. "I'm not sure." He scoffed at the answer.

"We'll get up the old man has some questions about your stand." He walked out of the room leaving the door open. You gathered your thoughts stood up then headed out to where Mr. Joestar was.

The first thing you saw when you walked in the room was Ms.Seiko who was laying down on a futon. Roses and thorns were slowly wrapping around her body. "Ms.Seiko?"

"Well good morning Y/N." He gestured towards the seat across from him. He had a worried expression plastered on his face. "Take a seat." You walked towards the group and sat down.

There were photos that were spread across the floor in front of Avdol and Mr.Joestar and a broken camera. Jotaro stood in the corner of the room peering over his mother. The closer you got the more visible the pictures became. "What is going on?"

"We have discovered that Holly has developed a stand." Mr. Joestar explained. "The stand is to strong for her handle. So it is devouring her whole." You gasped.

"How is a stand killing its user?"

Avdol went on to further explain, "stands are controlled by a persons mental strength and, they move according to that persons fighting instincts. Ms.Kujo is very gentle and peaceful. She therefore lacks the strength to withstand DIO'S curse."

❄️𝙵𝚁𝙾𝚉𝙴𝙽 𝙸𝙽 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴❄️ Jotaro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now