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"Y/N I don't have time for this let's go."

"Mom please you can't leave me with her." You whined

"It's either you stay with her or you stay here.

"Ugh. Fine."

"Good now finish packing up your room." She paused. The suitcase is by the door."


"Mom I'm done we can go now." No response.

"Mom?" No response. You started to panic your knees were weak and your arms went numb. Not again. "MOM! MOM WHERE DID YOU GO?" Tears were streaming down your face.

"Omg Y/N I'm right here." Your mother crouched down to where you sat on the floor in the middle of the cramped hallway. You never did like cramped spaces, or being alone.

"So where exactly are we going?" You asked breaking the silence.

"You don't need to know."

"Well if your a stranger leading me to an unknown place with a kid who looks half dead slung over your shoulder like a sack of potatoes then I think I should know where we're headed, don't you?"

He grumbled in response. "Kakiyoin is a follower of DIO, the old man should know more about why he tried to kill me and how he got a stand." 'Aahh so his name is Kakiyoin. What's a stand?' You thought.

You didn't try to attempt at a conversation again he obviously wasn't in the mood for talking. Instead you enjoyed the scenery. Cherry blossom trees littered the area, birds once again chirping in the distance. The cool breeze. Amazing.

The three of you finally made it to the destination. Well you assumed. Jotaro walked up to the door of a large mansion opened it took his shoes off and walked inside. 'Do I go in..do I stay?' You didn't move. You reviewed your course of action when Jotaro turned around.

"Are you going to stay out there all day." You quickly walked inside and took of your shoes. Following behind the broad shouldered teen.

"I bet Jotaro is thinking about me right now." A singsongy voice declared. "I felt like we had a real connection just now."

"I'm not thinking about you." Jotaro growled. The lady came running out of where ever she came from you couldn't quite pin point where.

"Oh Jotaro." She tried to hug jotaro but quickly got pushed away.

"Stop you annoying bitch." 'Where are his manners?' You wondered. "Where's the old man?" He questioned.

"He should be in the tea room." She seemed unfazed by Jotaro's reaction. She pointed in a direction. Both of you started to walk before jotaro turned back around.

"Hey are you ok. You look more pale than usual."

"Yea I'm fine." She responded cheerfully with a peace sign.

He sighed and both of you continued walking. Jotaro opened the door once you both arrived to the room and walked in. Once he entered the room he placed Kakiyoin on the ground. You just stood by the door observing closely the interaction between Jotaro and the 2 men sitting at a table. The first was an ederly man which you assumed was 'the old man' Jotaro brought you here to meet. The second man appeared to be younger and seemed to be Egyptian.

The elder started, "well I hate to say it it's to late for him, he's not going to make it. He'll die in the next few days. Jotaro this is not your fault. Trust me do you want to know why this man swore loyalty to DIO and came to your school to kill you?"

❄️𝙵𝚁𝙾𝚉𝙴𝙽 𝙸𝙽 𝚃𝙸𝙼𝙴❄️ Jotaro x readerМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя